VSoftRenderer is still under development...
- Cross Platform (Windows, Linux, macOS)
- Light-weight Implementation
- Programmable Shading Pipeline
Define a shader through C++:
struct PhongShader : public VGLShaderBase { int BindDiffuseTextureSlot; int BindNormalTextureSlot; int BindSpecularTextureSlot; Vector3Float UniformLightDirection; Matrix4 UniformMVP; Matrix4 UniformMVPIT; std::vector<Vector2Float> VaryingUVs {3}; virtual void vert(int faceIndex, int vertexIndexInFace, Vector3Float& gl_Position) override { VaryingUVs[vertexIndexInFace] = TargetMesh->GetUV(faceIndex, vertexIndexInFace); gl_Position = UniformMVP * gl_Position; } virtual bool frag(Vector3Float bc, VGL::Color& gl_FragColor) override { Vector2Float uv = VaryingUVs[0] * bc.X + VaryingUVs[1] * bc.Y + VaryingUVs[2] * bc.Z; Vector3Float n = (UniformMVPIT * sample2D(BindNormalTextureSlot, uv.X, uv.Y).XYZ()).Normalized(); Vector3Float l = (UniformMVP * UniformLightDirection).Normalized(); Vector3Float r = (n*(n*l*2.f) - l).Normalized(); float diffuseIntensity = std::max(0.0f, n * l); Color diffuseColor = sample2D(BindDiffuseTextureSlot, uv.X, uv.Y); float specularIntensity = std::pow(std::max(0.0f, r.Z), sample2D(BindSpecularTextureSlot, uv.X, uv.Y).R / 1.0f); gl_FragColor = (diffuseColor * (diffuseIntensity + 0.4f * specularIntensity)).Clamped().IgnoreAlpha(); return false; } };
Use OpenGL-like APIs:
// ... load meshes & textures from disk glViewPort(0, 0, 800, 800); glClearColor({50, 50, 50, 255}); glClear(); DirectionalLight light(Vector3Float(1, 1, 1).Normalized()); // Camera parameters Vector3Float eye(1 , 1, 3); Vector3Float center(0 , 0, 0); Vector3Float up(0 , 1, 0); Matrix4 modelMatrix = Matrix4::Identity(); Matrix4 viewMatrix = glLookAt(eye, center, up); Matrix4 projectionMatrix = glProjection(eye, center); Matrix4 mvp = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix; glBindTexture(0, diffuseTexture); glBindTexture(1, normalTexture); glBindTexture(2, specularTexture); PhongShader shader = {}; shader.UniformMVP = mvp; shader.UniformMVPIT = mvp.InverseTranspose(); shader.UniformLightDirection = light.GetDirection(); shader.BindDiffuseTextureSlot = 0; shader.BindNormalTextureSlot = 1; shader.BindSpecularTextureSlot = 2; glBindShader(0, &shader); for (int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < meshes.size(); ++meshIndex) { glBindMesh(meshIndex, meshes[meshIndex]); glUseShaderProgram(0); glDrawMeshIndexed(meshIndex); }
To build VSoftRenderer, you must first install the following tools.
- Visual Studio 2019 (or above) with C++ Desktop Development Environment
- CMake 3.20 (or above)
- Git 2.1 (or above)
Install prerequisite packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git clang libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libglvnd-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev libomp-dev
- XCode 13 (or above)
- CMake 3.20 (or above)
- Git 2.1 (or above)
Clone this repository:
git clone --recursive git@github.com:zzxzzk115/VSoftRenderer.git
Build it automatically:
Just double-click BuildWindows.bat
or you can simply use Jetbrains CLion to debug or release.
Build it manually:
cmake -S . -B build
Then open the generated solution file with Visual Studio.
Build it automatically:
chmod +x *.sh && ./BuildLinux.sh
Build it automatically:
chmod +x *.sh && ./BuildMacOS.sh
Build it manually:
cmake -S . -B build -G "Xcode"
Then open the generated project file with XCode.
We would like to thank the following projects for their invaluable contribution to our work:
This project is licensed under the MIT license.