Zach Zurawski, Dylan Scrimshaw, Lucas Bielinski, Jeremy Hopkins, Austin Lustik
As a user, I want to be able to view potential pets that are up for adoption that fit my needs OR list an animal to find new owners.
'Perfect Pet' greets the user with a warm welcoming page displaying our mission and options for quickly finding a pet. There will be filters available to find a specific pet based on the user's preferences. Each pet will have an image, name, age, gender. On the other side, those who want to put a pet up for adoption can add their pet with all the necessary information to find potential adopters.
The login/signup button in the top-right corner prompts the user to make an account with a password that is saved via cookies to prevent constant logout. Under the "New Pet" tab, the user (whilst in their account) can upload a pet with their cooresponding name, age, gender, and an image to post onto the public gallery. Users can also interact with posts from others with comments and likes.