- Wrapping
main functionality - Grant premissions of local notifications
- Send / remove local notifications
- Using iOS local notifications without importing
- Add a policy to prevent sending notifications in forbidden hours
- Send / remove local notifications base on timer states
- Send / remove local notifications base on project states
- Send instant local notificaion (e.g. for the killer mode in the app)
- Show an error view if premission is not granted
- Load settings when view is presented and premission is granted
- Sectioned rows with header title
- Toggling the switch in any row changes its time button isEnabled property
- Toggling the switch in any row triggers a specified delegate function
- Tapping the change time button in any row triggers a specified delegate function
- Show the selected time in the button by a configurable time formatter
- Changing the time from an external logic will refresh the row and its properties