This multiplatform library helps to get the user's selected items from different sections using high composability.
I'm using it in my personal app CLOC: Tasks & Time Tracker to create/edit tasks, here is a quick preview:
public protocol ItemType: Hashable {
var title: String { get }
The core model that is used widely in the project.
For now, it is using a typealias AnyItem
which is equal to ItemType
. It is added for further development.
public protocol ItemsLoader {
associatedtype Item: AnyItem
typealias FetchItemsResult = Result<[Item], Error>
typealias FetchItemsCompletion = (FetchItemsResult) -> Void
func loadItems(for section: Int, completion: @escaping FetchItemsCompletion) -> CancellableFetch
Abstraction of loading data for each section.
public protocol ItemsContainer: AnyObject {
associatedtype Item: AnyItem
var delegate: ItemsContainerDelegate? { get set }
var selectionType: ItemsContainerSelectionType { get }
var items: [Item] { get }
var selectedItems: [Item]? { get }
var allowAdding: Bool { get }
func select(at index: Int)
func deselect(at index: Int)
func add(item: Item)
func removeSelection()
Abstraction of controlling items in a container.
It is provided with DefaultItemsContainer
which do the things needed, such as:
- Selection
- Deselection
- Prevent selection more than maximum limit
- Delegation
public protocol SectionedViewProtocol: AnyObject {
associatedtype View
var view: View { get }
var selectedSectionIndex: Int { set get }
var numberOfSections: Int { get }
var onSectionChange: (() -> Void)? { set get }
func reload(withTitles: [String])
Abstraction of a view with sections, e.g. UISegmentedControl
public protocol ResourceListViewProtocol: AnyObject {
associatedtype View
associatedtype CellController: SelectableCellController
var view: View { get }
var onSelection: ((Int) -> Void) { get set }
var onDeselection: ((Int) -> Void) { get set }
func reloadData(with: [CellController])
func allowMultipleSelection(_ isOn: Bool)
func allowAddNew(_ isOn: Bool)
func deselect(at: Int)
Abstraction of a view with list of items e.g. UITableView
, UICollectionView
- You can head to iOS Snapshot Tests and learn how to use it in your iOS project. There are a lot of mocking which helps you conform your custom views and models to the protocols of this library.
- There is a public class called
which you can get started.
Please feel free to open an issue to:
- Repoert a bug
- Request a feature
- Ask for help
And also you can help improving this project by opening a PR.
ZZComposableInput is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.