- Rasberry Pi
- Real time clock - saves time on power off
- Class-D amplifier
- 2 Speakers
- USB drive - stores config, audiofiles and nature emulator software
- LCD screen - for time display and basic config
- Scrolling buttons - for setting time and basic config
- Error LED - displays basic errors that arn't shown on screen
The Rasberry Pi runs a basic Linux OS, with a few scripts for basic operation. A USB drive stores a configuration file, audio files, and the nature_emulator software. Software on the USB drive can configure the nature_emulator can be edited manually. Audio files can be added to to the drive, and set in the config. The nature_emulator software runs off the drive. Configuration file, audio files, and the nature_emulator software can be modified added and upgraded by removing the drive.
- Rasberry Pi boots
- init scripts
- check for errors, display on LED
- Loads screen
- Detect USB drive and run nature_emulator
- nature_emulator
- Read config
- Detect errors, override if posible or indicate error
- Check if init scripts need to be updated
- Selected mode
- Single play mode
- Fixed time mode
- Dynamic sunset/sunrise mode
- Combination Fixed/Dynamic mode
- Detect current time
- Queue files to play for the day
- Wait for midnight
- Return to step 4.
- finish nature_emulator soft
- create setup software
- create init scripts
- LCD display
- error LED
- detect USB
- Add RTC hardware
- Add LCD hardware
- Create 3D model of container
- Test, test, test
The Sounds of Nature Collection by Gaia, https://archive.org/details/Sounds\_of\_Nature\_Collection - Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0
British library – Listen to the sounds of nature - http://www.bl.uk/listentonature/main.html - Copyrighted
http://macaulaylibrary.org/ - copyrighted (huge library, short clips) US Fish and Wildlife Service - https://archive.org/details/animalsounds1 - Public Domain (short clips)
http://www.xeno-canto.org/ - various licenses