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m3u8 downloader
$ sudo apt install -y ffmpeg
$ pip install --upgrade --user https://github.com/youthdev/m3u8downloader/archive/master.zip
Google Python API
$ pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
$ pip install simple-youtube-api
$ python3 tubetoyoutube.py
- Go on TUbe select the video you want
- Go in Inspect mode of your browser
- Go to "Network"
- Start the video and select the GET request with name like: '"chunklist_xxxxx_xxxx.m3u8"\n
- Go to the Header of the select request and copy the link ending by m3u8
- Paste Link
- Enter video name
- Allow the script connecting to your Youtube Account (need to do it only once)
- Have fun !!
- add requirements.txt
- mutltiple uploads
- playlist creation
If you have some things you want to see in this script, contact me or open new issue
, = go backward by one frame
. = go forward by one frame
SHIFT + , = slow down video by 25%
SHIFT + . = speed up video by 25%