Hunger, a seemingly simple word, carries the weight of immense human suffering. In a world of abundance, the persistent reality of nearly 811 million people chronically undernourished stands as a stark reminder of the inequalities and inefficiencies that plague our food systems.
Achieving Zero Hunger, the second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) established by the United Nations, is not just a noble aspiration, but a moral imperative, demanding a multifaceted approach that tackles the root causes of food insecurity.
Zero Hunger is not merely a dream; it is a tangible possibility within our grasp. By addressing the systemic issues that contribute to food insecurity, investing in sustainable solutions, and fostering global collaboration, we can create a world where everyone has access to the nutritious food they need to thrive. Achieving Zero Hunger is not just about ending hunger; it is about building a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all.
Make sure you have the latest LTS version of NodeJS in your system. Go to terminal and execute the below commands to run the Angular application.
cd bhuk-mukht
npm install
ng serve