This is the official website for APPNA's Northern California Chapter. Our organization, the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America, is a nonprofit organization that is the third largest medical association in the United States after the American Medical Association and the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin.
Our organization is dedicated to supporting scientific development and education in Medicine, and delivering better healthcare, regardless of race, creed or gender. We host free medical consultations every Sunday in San Jose, CA, and this website provides more information about the clinic.
Backend: ExpressJS, Nginx, DigitalOcean
Frontend: Bootstrap 4, Google Maps API, AJAX, jQuery
Static web files are served using Nginx
The server listens for contact form submit requests using ExpressJS and AJAX
Server-side security and form validation are implemented using best practices
The static web files and server are hosted on a DigitalOcean server
CORS is enabled since the client makes requests at a different port of the same server
The Google Maps background is only shown on large devices (>768px)
The website includes the following sections:
- Scrolling text header
- Navbar
- Google map background
- Events slideshow
- Covid webinars
- Mission statement
- Executive committee
- Social buttons
Feel free to use the website's design format for your own organization.
The project is licensed under the MIT license