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My private doom emacs config

This is my private doom emacs configuration. Specifically configured for Javascript, Python, C++, Rust, and Go.

Table of Contents



Step1: Install Emacs


  • Method 1: Use brew cask(Recommended). Pick emacs-mac or emacs-plus.
    brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport
    brew install --cask emacs-mac
    brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
    brew install emacs-plus@29 --with-native-comp
    # create alias in /Applications if needed
    ln -Fs `sudo find /usr/local/Cellar/emacs-* -name ""` /Applications/


# Ubuntu emacs
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kelleyk/emacs
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install emacs29
# Arch
sudo pacman -S emacs

Step2: Install Doom Emacs

# Clone Doom Emacs
rm -r ~/.emacs.d
git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/emacs

# Clone my config
git clone ~/.config/doom

~/.config/emacs/bin/doom install

Step3: Dependencies and Configuration

This Emacs configuration is written for Emacs 25.1+ on Mac OS X 10.11+ and Linux Arch. Windows users may need to tweak the config for themselves.

Dependencies needed

Install dependencies including search tools, utils, and linters.


# search tool
brew install ripgrep grep exa zstd fd
brew install --HEAD universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags
# utils
brew install sqlite hub gpg2 coreutils gnu-tar mplayer direnv libtool git-delta
# language
brew install shellcheck aspell languagetool clang-format google-java-format
Arch Linux
sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S sqlite ripgrep fd wmctrl exa languagetool zstd ctags git-delta

Note: for windows users, aspell is used instead. ripgrep can be installed via choco

# Install linuxbrew
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# Then follow the macos installaion guide except the Cask part
  • For vterm
brew install cmake
sudo apt install libvterm-dev libtool-bin
Install CJK fonts for your linux machines if you use them.


npm install -g cspell prettier


pip3 install --upgrade pylint gnureadline black cpplint

go: This module requires a valid GOPATH, and the following Go packages:

# macos
brew install go

# arch
sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S go

Language Server Protocol: Install the lsp for your languages. A few examples are listed below.

You can always do M-x lsp-install-server to install the specific language server. But I prefer to script them and install them at once.

# python
npm i -g pyright
pip3 install --user debugpy

# Java
# Java 11 is needed for latest to function
# M-x lsp-install-server -> jdtls

# Bash
npm i -g bash-language-server

# C++ use clangd
brew install llvm
# Run ~M-x dap-codelldb-setup~ to download the ~codelldb~ vscode extension.
# You can refer the debug template here

# Rust
rustup update
rustup component add rls rust-analysis rust-src

# Javascript
npm i -g typescript typescript-language-server

# Vue
npm install vue-language-server -g

# gopls
go install
# Run ~M-x dap-go-setup~ to download the vscode debug extension.

For MacOS, according to the discussion here, the following codes will speed up Emacs GUI startup time.

defaults write org.gnu.Emacs Emacs.ToolBar -string no
defaults write org.gnu.Emacs Emacs.ScrollBar -string no
defaults write org.gnu.Emacs Emacs.MenuBar -string no


An in-depth list of features, how to use them, and their dependencies.


How to configure this module, including common problems and how to address them.


Use Meta key in terminal

I have to use ssh with tmux on server. And terminal emacs becomes my daily driver. Checkout Alacritty keybinding config to make you terminal compatible with Meta keys.


  • Include a list of ways this module changes default behavior


How to manage tab-width or indent?

You can use `setq-hook!` to set the tab-width explicitly.

(after! cc-mode
  (setq-hook! 'cc-mode-hook tab-width 2 c-basic-offset 2))

I prefer to use a global `~/.editorconfig`, it can be override by a project local `.editorconfig`. Checkout mine. `setq-hook!` wii be overrided by editorconfig since editorconfig gains the highest priority.

How to use Magit Forge?

  • Create a token on Github with repo, user and admin:org permissions. If using GitHub enterprise / for business you also need the write:discussion, read:discussion scope.
  • Put the following credential in /.authinfo.gpg (This location is configured by auth-sources).
    machine login yourlogin^forge password MYTOKENGOESHERE
    machine login yourlogin^code-review password MYTOKENGOESHERE

See and

Why my jdtls java fails at booting?

Sometimes it caused by legacy cache under lsp-java-workspace-dir. Delete that folder and restart lsp.

Why sometimes the floating error boxes (flycheck posframe) do not disappear?

Call posframe-delete-all to get rid of it.

How to use forge?

Take a look at this manual. See how to create token for forge. Create the token with the full repo access. Then in the magit status buffer, use @ to dispatch the forge menu.

How to use emacs-everywhere?

Create a Automator workflow like this And bind it to some key in Settings->Keyboard->Shortcuts->Services. You need to add Emacs to the Settings->Security&Privacy->Accessibility. Then select some text and press the key. Unfortunately, I didn’t find a way to automate pasting. You’ll need to press the key Cmd-v to paste it after editing.

When you do `doom upgrade` and get too many open files issue on MacOS.

Use ulimit -n 10240 to increase the limit. See post here

When open in ssh tty, clipetty emit: `Opening output file: Permission denied, /dev/pts/3`.

See discussion here spudlyo/clipetty#20. Try `unset SSH_TTY` and then restart your emacs.


Blazing fast Doom Emacs private configuration







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