A library to aid in testing async React components and methods using Enzyme.
This library was built with React 16 and Enzyme 3 in mind. It might work on lower versions as well, but the lib is developed for and tested on those versions.
yarn add --dev enzyme-async-helpers
I recommend checking out the tests to see more examples than the ones below. The lib exposes the following methods:
Signature: (wrapper: EnzymeWrapper, elementSelector: EnzymeSelector, config?: Config) => Promise<void>
Wait for an element to appear. You can use any valid Enzyme selector (a component, CSS selector, etc).
import { waitForElement } from 'enzyme-async-helpers';
it('should wait for MyComponent to appear', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Wrapper />);
await waitForElement(wrapper, MyComponent);
Signature: (wrapper: EnzymeWrapper, stateValidationFn: (state: Object) => boolean, config?: Config) => Promise<void>
Wait for your component's state to update to something.
import { waitForState } from 'enzyme-async-helpers';
it('should wait for loading to stop', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(<MyComponent />);
await waitForState(wrapper, state => state.loading === false);
Signature: (wrapper: EnzymeWrapper, propsValidationFn: (props: Object) => boolean, config?: Config) => Promise<void>
Wait for your component's props to update to something.
import { waitForProps } from 'enzyme-async-helpers';
it('should wait for someProp to be valid', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Wrapper />); // Wrapper renders SomeComponent and passes in props
const componentWrapper = wrapper.find(SomeComponent);
await waitForProps(componentWrapper, props => props.someProp === 'test');
All the methods listed above take a third config
argument of the following shape:
type Config = {
interval: number, // Default: 50, how often to check for validity
timeout: number, // Default: 2000 (2 seconds), how long to wait before timing out
logStructureOnTimeout?: boolean, // Default: true, logs the wrapper's rendered structure when the wait times out. An attempt to help out in finding what's wrong.
logStructureOnSuccess?: boolean // Default: false, logs the wrapper's rendered structure on success.