An Elixir application that wraps the Tesseract OCR Engine.
One utilizes this application by creating commands and feeding them to Tesseract wrappers.
The wrapper can be used via Tesserax.read_from_mem/1
or Tesserax.read_from_file/1
and needs a %Tesserax.Command{}
struct as argument.
reads text from an image loaded in memory, Tesserax.read_from_file/1
reads text from the image provided by the image path.
# Reading text from memory
image: <<...>>, # image binary data
languages: ["eng", "hin"],
tessdata: "path/to/tessdata/dir",
config: "path/to/config/file",
psm: 0,
oem: 0
|> Tesserax.read_from_mem()
# Reading text from a file
image: "path/to/image",
languages: ["eng", "hin"],
tessdata: "path/to/tessdata/dir",
config: "path/to/config/file",
psm: 0,
oem: 0
|> Tesserax.read_from_file()
An image loaded in memory needs to be in PNG format.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding tesserax
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:tesserax, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at