a build tool for c/c++ with seamless cross-compilation via the zig toolchain
Download the release binaries here
- zig (the compiler/toolchain)
You can download zig via https://ziglang.org/download/
Alternatively, you can use zigup which downloads the binaries for you and allows you to conveniently switch versions when a new version of zig is released. https://github.com/dyu/zigup/releases
zigup 0.9.1
./build.sh run -- version
./zig-out/bin/zpp help
Help text:
The available commands are:
- help
- version
- mod fetch
- mod init
- mod sum
- mod license
zpp 0.1.0 macos aarch64
./build.sh dist
./build.sh dist VERSION GITHUB_TOKEN
./build.sh clean