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Getting Started

Checkout the Examples folder for some working examples. The following snippet shows RClient interacting with Github's API:

package main

import (

type Repository struct {
        Name        string `json:"name"`

func main() {
        client := rclient.NewRestClient("")

        var repos []Repository
        if err := client.Get("/users/zpatrick/repos", &repos); err != nil {


Request Options

Requests can be configured using a Request Option. A RequestOption is simply a function that manipulates an http.Request. You can create request options like so:

setProto := func(req *http.Request) error {
    req.Proto = "HTTP/1.0"
    return nil

client.Get("/path", &v, setProto)

The built-in request options are described below.

Header / Headers

The Header() and Headers() options add header(s) to a *http.Request.

// add a single header
client.Get("/path", &v, rclient.Header("name", "val"))

// add multiple headers
client.Get("/path", &v, rclient.Header("name1", "val1"), rclient.Header("name2", "val2"))
client.Get("/path", &v, rclient.Headers(map[string]string{"name1": "val1", "name2":"val2"}))

Basic Auth

The BasicAuth() option adds basic auth to a *http.Request.

client.Get("/path", &v, rclient.BasicAuth("user", "pass"))


The Query() options adds a query to a *http.Request.

query := url.Values{}
query.Add("name", "John")
query.Add("age", "35")

client.Get("/path", &v, rclient.Query(query))

NOTE: This can also be accomplished by adding the raw query to the path argument

client.Get("/path?name=John&age=35", &v)

Client Configuration

The RestClient can be configured using the Client Options described below.


The Doer() option sets the RequestDoer field on the RestClient. This is the http.DefaultClient by default, and it can be set to anything that satisfies the RequestDoer interface.

client, err := rclient.NewRestClient("", rclient.Doer(&http.Client{}))

Request Options

The RequestOptions() option sets the RequestOptions field on the RestClient. This will manipulate each request made by the RestClient. This can be any of the options described in the Request Options section. A typical use-case would be adding headers for each request.

options := []rclient.RequestOption{
    rclient.Header("name", "John Doe").
    rclient.Header("token", "abc123"),

client, err := rclient.NewRestClient("", rclient.RequestOptions(options...))


The Builder() option sets the RequestBuilder field on the RestClient. This field is responsible for building *http.Request objects. This is the BuildJSONRequest function by default, and it can be set to any RequestBuilder function.

builder := func(method, url string, body interface{}, options ...RequestOption) (*http.Request, error){
    req, _ := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
    for _, option := range options {
		if err := option(req); err != nil {
			return nil, err
    return nil, errors.New("I forgot to add a body to the request!")

client, err := rclient.NewRestClient("", rclient.Builder(builder))


The Reader() option sets the ResponseReader field on the RestClient. This field is responsible for reading *http.Response objects. This is the ReadJSONResponse function by default, and it can be set to any ResponseReader function.

reader := func(resp *http.Response, v interface{}) error{
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    return json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(v)

client, err := rclient.NewRestClient("", rclient.Reader(reader))


This work is published under the MIT license.

Please see the LICENSE file for details.


Minimalistic REST client for Go applications








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