- sample app for search by ip/name organizations with service. Use multi modals app developed with android architecture components, conventions plugins.
├── app.............. Entry point to the mobile application
│ └── NavHost.... App navigation coordination
├── core......... Independent project/component logic
│ ├── common.......... Utilities, extension functions, helpers
│ ├── network.......... Interaction with the network
│ ├── datastore.......... Logic for saving primitive data and objectsв
│ ├── datastore-proto.......... Description of interaction models
│ ├── database....... Database
│ ├── data....... Repositories
│ ├── domain....... Business logic
│ ├── model....... Business logic models
│ ├── designsystem....... Basic UI components, themes, color schemes
│ ├── ui....... Comprehensive UI components for a specific presentation
├── features....... All screens are divided into module-features
│ ├── inetnum_by_ip.......... Feature search network/organization by ip
│ ├── inetnums_by_org_id.......... Feature search networks by organzation id
│ ├── organizations_by_name.......... Feature search organizations by name
│ └── settings.......... Feature customization of the application theme
└──gradle-plugins.......... Convention gradle plugin for forwarding dependencies between modules
Run the following command to get and analyse compose compiler metrics:
./gradlew assembleRelease -PenableComposeCompilerMetrics=true -PenableComposeCompilerReports=true