- read binary tables using hdu and column names into simple dictionaries of arrays
- write FITS files incrementally 1 HDU at a time
pycfitsio requires the dynamic library cfitsio, in linux it usually packaged as libcfitsio-dev
pip install pycfitsio #stable version
# for development version clone from github and run python setup.py install
>>> f = pycfitsio.open("debug/data.fits")>>> hdulist = f.HDUs
>>> print(hdulist) OrderedDict([('DATA', HDU: DATA)])
>>> hdu = f['DATA'] >>> column_array = f['DATA'].read_column('signal') >>> all_columns = f['DATA'].read_all() >>> print(all_columns) OrderedDict([('signal', array([ 0., 1. ....])), 'flag', array([1, 1, ....])])
>>> from collections import OrderedDict >>> f = pycfitsio.create('file.fits')
3 options to write HDUs:
list of (name, array) tuples
>>> f.write_HDU('HDUNAME', [('firstcolname', np.arange(10)), ('seccolname', np.arange(10)**2)] )
OrderedDict keys = name values = array
>>> data = OrderedDict() >>> data['firstcolname'] = np.arange(10) >>> data['seccolname'] = np.arange(10)**2 >>> f.write_HDU('HDUNAME', data)
Compound numpy array
>>> data = np.ones(10, dtype = [('firstcolname', np.long), ('seccolname', np.double)]) >>> f.write_HDU('HDUNAME', data)
>>> f.close()