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📜 C++ | Notes and Assignment | 2nd Semester

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Table of Content


Date Content Link
Nov 7 Syllabus Syllabus
Nov 8 C Recap: Find Simple Interest, Sample of Switch and Loop Statement Notes
Nov 9 Basic Addition, User Input and find area of rectriangle Notes
Nov 10 Simple Interest using double and Area of Circle (PI) Notes
Nov 11 Classes in C++: Sample Programs Notes
Nov 13 Questions:
1. Area of square
2. Volume of a cuboid
3. Volume of cube
4. Print sum, difference, product and quotient of two user input numbers
5. To input age of person and print in days with a appropriate format
6. To input length & breadth of a room and calculate and print its area and perimeter
7. To read the radius of a sphere and compute its surface area and volume
8. To input temperature in Celsius and to print its Fahrenheit equivalent
9. To read base and altitude of a triangle and prints its area
Nov 14 Completed the questions given in Nov 13 --> Click Here Notes
Nov 15 Find Greatest Number among three numbers Notes
Nov 16 ASCII,For loop and Increment and Decrement Operators Notes
Nov 22 Use of if.. else... and else if...... (Calculate Grade)
1. Enter values of length and breadth of a rectangle from user and check if it is square or not.
2. A shop will give discount of 10% if the cost of purchased quantity is more than 1000. Ask user for quantity. Suppose, one unit will cost 100. Judge and print total cost for user.
3. A company decided to give bonus of 5% to employee if his/her year of service is more than 5 years. Ask user for their salary and year of service and print the net bonus amount.
4. Check that whether a number is even or odd.
5. Program to check whether a number is divisible by 5 and 11 or not.
6. Program to check whether the triangle is an equilateral, isosceles or scalene triangle.
7. Program to calculate profit or loss.
8. Program to check whether a year is a leap year or not by using an if-else statement.
9. Program that checks whether the character is an alphabet or not.
10. Program to check whether a number is a prime or composite number.
Nov 23 Switch Statement (Assignment: Input two number and find the sum, difference, product and quotient using switch) Notes
Nov 27 Classwork (if block, swap number) Notes
Nov 28 Loop Notes
Nov 29 Jump Statement and Arithmatic Operators Notes
Nov 30 Assignment Operators, Relational Operator & Logical Operator Notes


Date Content Link
Dec 1 Increment & Decrement Operator / Ternary Operator (Syntax and Example) / Features of Object Oriented Programming Notes
Dec 2 Difference between C and C++ / Types of Data Types in C++ with example Notes
Dec 4 Basic Structure of C++ Program (Header File, Main Function etc) Notes
Dec 5 Scope resolution operator , Insersion and Extraction Operator Notes
Dec 11 Namespace with syntax and example Notes
Dec 12 Data Type Conversion with Examples Notes
Dec 13 Types of Data Type Conversion with Examples Notes
Dec 14 Dynamic Memory Allocation and its example - Assignment Click Here Notes
Dec 15 Bitwise Operator and Return Type - Assignment Click Here Notes
Dec 16 Inline Function Notes
Dec 18 Overloaded Function & Default Argument Notes
Dec 19 Reference Var in C++ & Assignment -> Click Here Notes
Dec 20 Return by Reference Notes
Dec 21 Constuctor and Destructor Notes
Dec 22 Type of Constructor Notes
Dec 23 Classwork Notes
Dec 26 Parameterized Constructor Notes
Dec 27 Destructor Notes
Dec 28 Copy Constructor Notes
Dec 29 Constructor Overloading Notes


Date Content Link
Jan 1 Array, How to declare an Array and Find the sum of the elements in an array Notes
Jan 2 Classwork (Write a program using array to input and display the marks of 5 students within a class) Notes
Jan 3 Board Test Notes
Jan 4 3-D Array Notes
Jan 5 2D Array (Multi IO) Notes
Jan 31 Base Class and Derived Class Notes


Date Content Link
Feb 2/11 Presentation Notes
Feb 12 Inheritance and Its types Notes
Feb 14 1. Write a program to add two numbers using inheritance
2. Write a program in C++ to display mobile name and its cost with tax using single inheritance
Feb 15 Write a program to display pass or fail and input roll number, marks using multilevel inheritance Notes
Feb 16 Surprise Class Test Notes
Feb 17 Write a program to find the sum and product of two numbers using hierarchical inheritance Notes
Feb 20 What is Ambiguity and program that demonstrates Ambigious Property and how to tackle it in C++ Notes
Feb 22 Function Overriding and Execution sequence of constructor and destructor in inheritance Notes
Feb 23 What is Containership or Nesting? What is Container? Example and syntax Notes
Feb 26 Notes
Feb 27 Array of objects & Static Data Members Notes
Feb 28 Static and Non-Static Data Members Notes


Date Content Link
Mar 1 Friend Class and Friend Function Notes
Mar 3 Polymorphism Notes
Mar 5 Pure Virtual Function Notes
Mar 7 Early Binding and Late Binding Notes
Mar 10 Roadmap for polymorphism Notes
Mar 22 Encapsulation Notes
Mar 23 Operator Overloading Notes
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