git pif (Push in Fork)
git pif is a simple utility to increase collaboration across github.
It simplifies the process of forking a repo. And pushing commits to it. Only step left for user is to create a PR to original Repo.
The git pif
does all the next steps:
- forks the current git repo in path
- add a new remote
with forked repository - push the current branch and set the remote of current branch to
If you have Go setup in your machine
go install
Download the binary from the latest release:
Check out to a new branch in the repo where you want to open a new PR
➜ git-pif git:(master) git co -b my-fix
Switched to a new branch 'my-fix'
let git pif to fork the repo, in case it hasn't been. And push the branch to the fork.
➜ git-pif git:(my-fix) git pif
Using config file: /Users/zainmalik/.git-pif/config.yaml
Checking if user octagen have a fork of zmalik/git-pif
Forking the repo zmalik/git-pif to octagen/git-pif
Waiting the creation of the fork octagen/git-pif
Fork octagen/git-pif created successfully
Branch my-fix set up to track remote branch my-fix from fork
- A new fork has been created for the repo. And a new remote
has been added.
➜ git-pif git:(my-fix) git remote -v
fork (fetch)
fork (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
- The branch
has been pushed tooctagen/gif-pif
and its remote is thefork
. Which basically means that from now ongit push
in themy-fix
will go to thefork
➜ git-pif git:(my-fix) cat .git/config
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
ignorecase = true
precomposeunicode = true
[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
[remote "fork"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/fork/*
[branch "my-fix"]
remote = fork
merge = refs/heads/my-fix
Everybody willing to do a Pull Request Cycle to Github repository.
But I made it out specially for Go developers. As in case of Go the path is also really important. So you cannot just fork a repository and clone it in another path. As it will mess up with the packages. You have to play with the remotes. And this tool intends to simplify that process.
git pif
needs an environment variable. GITHUB_TOKEN
The github personal API token is used to get the current user information and fork the repository.
There are two ways to setting it:
- Set the environment variable
or inlineGITHUB_TOKEN=mygithubtooken git pif
- Add the
cat $HOME/.git-pif/config.yaml
GITHUB_TOKEN : mygithubtoken
- Mixing up the branches in the fork and origin is not possible. That means:
- using master branch to push in the fork is not possible with git pif.
- pushing a branch that exists in origin is not possible with git pif.