This is an election voting example project. The idea is to show a simple way in which a ZK proof could be used to verify eligibility of a caller to vote for a candidate what is running for office.
This repo was forked and cloned from the zkm-project-template. This README is, for the most part, the standard README from the forked zkm-project-template
repo. It describes in general how to get the guest and host programs in the forked template repo running. The contracts/src/verifier.sol smart contract already existed in the zkm-project-template
repo and is not specific to this project.
The following sections have been added as specific to this repo:
See this section for running the project in a Docker container. See section Election Voting dApp To Do for specifics about this voting projct.
This is a template for creating an end-to-end ZKM project which can generate the EVM-Compatible proof and the on chain verification contract.
There are two ways to prove the guest program:
- Use your local machine
- Use ZKM proof network
The SDK has a libary(libsnark) which supports local proving. If the libsnark is required, please specify the features = ["snark"] in your Cargo.toml. To disable libsnark, set the environment variable NO_USE_SNARK to true when compiling the SDK.
├── Cargo.toml
├── Makefile
├── assets
│ └── temp-run-diagram.png
├── clippy.toml
├── contracts //Use Foundry to manage the verifier contract
│ ├──
│ ├── foundry.toml
│ //...
├── guest-program //Include Go and Rust examples
│ ├──
│ ├── mem-alloc-vec
│ ├── sha2-go
│ └── sha2-rust
├── host-program //Generate the proof and verifier contracts to the guest programs
│ ├── Cargo.toml
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── src
│ └── bin
│ └──
├── install_mips_rust_tool
├── rust-toolchain.toml
├── sdk //Support proof network and local proof
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
├── local //Generate the proof locally using the libsnark library.
├── network //Generate the proof using ZKM Proof Network.
├── proto
│ └── stage.proto
└── //interface
- Hardware: X86_64 CPU, 32 cores, 13GB memory (minimum)
- OS: Linux
- Rust: 1.81.0-nightly
- Go : 1.22.1
- Set up a local node for some blockchain(eg, sepolia)
- Hardware: X86_64 CPU, 8 cores, 8G memory
- OS: Linux
- Rust: 1.81.0-nightly
- Go : 1.22.1
- CA certificate: ca.pem, ca.key
- Register your address to use
- RPC for a blockchain (eg, sepolia)
All actions are assumed to be from the base directory zkm-election-voting
git clone
Please refer to this guide.
cd zkm-election-voting
sdk/src/local/libsnark/ # compile snark library
cargo build --release # build host programs
If the program executes successfully, it will generate one binary files in target/release
: zkm-prove
You can run the guest program without generating a proof by setting the environmental variable EXECUTE_ONLY
to "true".zkMIPS/zkm#152
cd zkm-election-voting/host-program
- The host program executes local proving when the environmental variable
is set to "local" and performs network proving whenZKM_PROVER
is set to "network"
- There are two script programs available: and These scripts facilitate the generation of proofs on the local machine and over the proof network, respectively.
- There are three guest programs(sha2-rust, sha2-go, mem-alloc-vec), each capable of generating a SNARK proof on a machine equipped with an AMD EPYC 7R13 processor and 250GB of memory. The following will use sha2-rust as an example to demonstrate local and network proofs.
The environmental variable SEG_SIZE
in the affects the final proof generation.
The guest program's ELF with the input is split into segments according the SEG_SIZE, based on the cycle count.
When generating proofs on the local machine, if the log shows "!!!*******seg_num: 1", please reduce SEG_SIZE or increase the input. If generating proofs through the proof network, SEG_SIZE must be within the range [65536, 262144].
This host program sends the private input pri_input = vec![5u8; 1024] and its hash (hash(pri_input)) to the guest program for verification of the hash value.
Make any edits to
and run the program:
./ sha2-rust
If successful, it will output a similar log:
[2024-10-09T03:31:00Z INFO zkm_prove] new prover client.
[2024-10-09T03:31:00Z INFO zkm_prove] new prover client,ok.
[2024-10-09T03:31:00Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::prover] calling request_proof.
[2024-10-09T03:31:00Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::prover] calling wait_proof, proof_id=5c14330a-cc5a-4ad8-9ba4-3996ddafbc57
[2024-10-09T03:31:00Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::prover] waiting the proof result.
[2024-10-09T03:31:00Z INFO zkm_emulator::utils] Split done 66446 : 89443
[2024-10-09T03:31:00Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::stark] !!!*******seg_num:2
[2024-10-09T03:32:01Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::util] Process segment /tmp/5c14330a-cc5a-4ad8-9ba4-3996ddafbc57/input/segments/0
[2024-10-09T03:32:05Z INFO zkm_prover::cpu::bootstrap_kernel] Bootstrapping took 3228 cycles
[2024-10-09T03:32:05Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] CPU halted after 64762 cycles
[2024-10-09T03:32:05Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] CPU trace padded to 65536 cycles
[2024-10-09T03:32:05Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] Trace lengths (before padding): TraceCheckpoint { arithmetic_len: 18057, cpu_len: 65536, poseidon_len: 3227, poseidon_sponge_len: 3227, logic_len: 15372, memory_len: 390244 }
[2024-10-09T03:32:22Z INFO plonky2::util::timing] 20.9778s to prove root first
[2024-10-09T03:32:22Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::util] Process segment /tmp/5c14330a-cc5a-4ad8-9ba4-3996ddafbc57/input/segments/1
[2024-10-09T03:32:26Z INFO zkm_prover::cpu::bootstrap_kernel] Bootstrapping took 2583 cycles
[2024-10-09T03:32:26Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] CPU halted after 7530 cycles
[2024-10-09T03:32:26Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] CPU trace padded to 8192 cycles
[2024-10-09T03:32:26Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] Trace lengths (before padding): TraceCheckpoint { arithmetic_len: 1511, cpu_len: 8192, poseidon_len: 2582, poseidon_sponge_len: 2582, logic_len: 1157, memory_len: 123358 }
[2024-10-09T03:32:38Z INFO plonky2::util::timing] 15.7468s to prove root second
[2024-10-09T03:32:40Z INFO plonky2::util::timing] 1.4158s to prove aggression
[2024-10-09T03:32:42Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::util] proof size: 412960
[2024-10-09T03:32:48Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::util] build finish
[2024-10-09T03:32:55Z INFO plonky2x::backend::wrapper::wrap] Succesfully wrote common circuit data to common_circuit_data.json
[2024-10-09T03:32:55Z INFO plonky2x::backend::wrapper::wrap] Succesfully wrote verifier data to verifier_only_circuit_data.json
[2024-10-09T03:32:55Z INFO plonky2x::backend::wrapper::wrap] Succesfully wrote proof to proof_with_public_inputs.json
[2024-10-09T03:32:55Z INFO plonky2::util::timing] 114.2421s to prove total time
03:32:59 INF compiling circuit
03:32:59 INF parsed circuit inputs nbPublic=1 nbSecret=11182
03:33:39 INF building constraint builder nbConstraints=5815132
Generating witness 2024-10-09 03:40:27.357393651 +0000 UTC m=+565.926341691
frontend.NewWitness cost time: 130 ms
Creating proof 2024-10-09 03:40:27.487971493 +0000 UTC m=+566.056919503
03:40:32 DBG constraint system solver done nbConstraints=5815132 took=5409.755661
03:40:40 DBG prover done acceleration=none backend=groth16 curve=bn254 nbConstraints=5815132 took=7795.659351
groth16.Prove cost time: 13205 ms
Verifying proof 2024-10-09 03:40:40.69365127 +0000 UTC m=+579.262599280
03:40:40 DBG verifier done backend=groth16 curve=bn254 took=1.583203
groth16.Verify cost time: 1 ms
before len of publicWitness:1
after len of publicWitness:2
03:40:40 DBG verifier done backend=groth16 curve=bn254 took=1.247698
[2024-10-09T03:40:40Z INFO zkm_prove] Proof: successfully written 1265 bytes.
[2024-10-09T03:40:40Z INFO zkm_prove] Contract: successfully written 10334 bytes.
[2024-10-09T03:40:40Z INFO zkm_prove] Generating proof successfully .The proof file and verifier contract are in the the path contracts/verifier and contracts/src .
[2024-10-09T03:40:40Z INFO zkm_prove] Elapsed time: 579 secs
The result proof and contract file will be in the contracts/verifier and contracts/src respectively.
The proving network may sometimes experience high traffic, causing proof tasks to be queued for hours.
The proving task requires several stages: queuing, splitting, proving, aggregating and finalizing. Each stage involves a varying duration.
Must set the PRIVATE_KEY
and run the program:
./ sha2-rust
If successful, it will output a similar log:
[2024-10-09T03:55:06Z INFO zkm_prove] new prover client.
[2024-10-09T03:55:07Z INFO zkm_prove] new prover client,ok.
[2024-10-09T03:55:07Z INFO zkm_sdk::network::prover] calling request_proof.
[2024-10-09T03:55:10Z INFO zkm_sdk::network::prover] calling wait_proof, proof_id=fccd67f1-0bb3-498d-a048-50578b4a6360
[2024-10-09T03:55:10Z INFO zkm_sdk::network::prover] generate_proof : queuing the task.
[2024-10-09T03:55:40Z INFO zkm_sdk::network::prover] generate_proof : finalizing the proof.
[2024-10-09T03:56:14Z INFO zkm_prove] Proof: successfully written 1262 bytes.
[2024-10-09T03:56:14Z INFO zkm_prove] Contract: successfully written 10329 bytes.
[2024-10-09T03:56:14Z INFO zkm_prove] Generating proof successfully .The proof file and verifier contract are in the the path contracts/verifier and contracts/src .
[2024-10-09T03:56:14Z INFO zkm_prove] Elapsed time: 66 secs
The result proof and contract file will be in the contracts/verifier and contracts/src.
If your system does not have Foundry, please install it:
curl -L | bash
cd zkm-election-voting/contracts
forge test
If successful, it will output a similar log:
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠊] Compiling 2 files with Solc 0.8.26
[⠢] Solc 0.8.26 finished in 921.86ms
Compiler run successful!
Ran 1 test for test/verifier.t.sol:VerifierTest
[PASS] test_ValidProof() (gas: 286833)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 8.16ms (7.51ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 9.02ms (8.16ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Please edit the following parameters according your target blockchain.
forge script script/verifier.s.sol:VerifierScript --rpc-url --private-key df4bc5647fdb9600ceb4943d4adff3749956a8512e5707716357b13d5ee687d9
If successful, it will output a similar log:
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠘] Compiling 2 files with Solc 0.8.26
[⠊] Solc 0.8.26 finished in 699.26ms
Compiler run successful!
Script ran successfully.
## Setting up 1 EVM.
Chain 11155111
Estimated gas price: 0.000035894 gwei
Estimated total gas used for script: 1228147
Estimated amount required: 0.000000044083108418 ETH
SIMULATION COMPLETE. To broadcast these transactions, add --broadcast and wallet configuration(s) to the previous command. See forge script --help for more.
Transactions saved to: /mnt/data/zkm-election-voting/contracts/broadcast/verifier.s.sol/11155111/dry-run/run-latest.json
Sensitive values saved to: /mnt/data/zkm-election-voting/contracts/cache/verifier.s.sol/11155111/dry-run/run-latest.json
For more details, please refer to this guide.
First, install docker on your host machine. See here for instructions.
Clone the project using the command
git clone
Then run the following command to build the image:
docker build -t zkm/zkmips:compile .
Then run this command to start a container using the image. This command will automatically open a terminal inside the container.
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/zkm zkm/zkmips:compile
The zkm-election-voting project directory will mounted to the zkm directory inside the container. Follow the instructions in this README from the Build the guest program ELF section. Wherever the zkm-election-voting directory is specified, use the zkm directory in the container.
has been completed, along with a test file (contracts/test/ElectionVoting.t.sol) and a deployment script that deploys this (contracts/script/Deploy.s.sol) -
The ElectionVoting.sol
function needs to be modified to call a verifier contract to verify a caller's voting eligibility. -
In order to generate a verifier smart contract, a guest and host program need to be developed in Go or Rust. See the information in this README on guest and host programs and how to generate a verifier.sol contract. Note: the
is not specific to this voting appliation. It existed in the template project that was forked. -
The guest program that verifies a caller's eligibility to vote can be very simple. It could take an age as input and check that it is >= 18. It could in addition check that the caller's address is in a list of addresses that is "registered". This list could be a hardcoded a array or set. In a real situation, a voter would scan his/her government issued ID and the age would be provided as input to the guest program and a user's name or ID would be checked against a list of registered voters. The guest program for this application doesn't have to be that complex.
Create a host program
Follow the instructions above for the example programs to generate a proof and a verifier.sol that can then be callsed from the
function. -
Add unit test cases
Get the
Rust project - latest
jobs in.github/workflows/ci.yml
working. These jobs were part of the forked zkm-project-template repo and worked at one time. -
Add a frontend to all functions in the
contract -
Update the README