Dead Link Checker CLI Tool
The dlcheck is used to find the good(200 response status code), dead(404 and 400 response status code) and unknown(others status codes) links contained in a text file and report issues with bad links briefly.
NodeJs is required for installation, in the CLI, run the command npm install dlcheck -g
in order to install the npm package for this tool, the -g
commandline argument must be used to install this tool globally on the system.
In the CLI, use the dlcheck
command along with a parameter that is the file name to test the links contained in that file. IE. dlcheck FILENAME.txt
or dlcheck FILENAME.html
Using command dlcheck
without an argument will display the parameter options in CLI.
After checking the status of links, the urls are displayed back to the user in the commandline in different colours, the good ones in green, bad ones in red, timeouts in blue and unkown ones in grey.
Users may use the dlcheck command with paramers of --v, --version, /v or /version
to check the current installed version of the tool.
The tool allows for multiple file to be checked.
--all, --good, --bad, /all, /good, /bad
arguments may be used to filter the URLs by their status code, IE: dlcheck --good filename
Tool supports CLICOLOR
environment variable, allowing colored output when CLICOLOR
is set to 1 and disable colored output when CLICOLOR
is set to 0.