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Producer fails faster, Retry publish after Auth error (#1437)
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1. When the producer fails to send a message from a batch of messages,
it stops sending after the first error. This behavior is extended by
also stopping after a failure from Kafka's callback.

2. Introduce producer setting `authErrorRetrySchedule` on which sending
after auth errors (`AuthorizationException` and
`AuthenticationException`) can be retried. Auth error occur on some slow

Both changes have been made possible by a new test framework in which we
have precise control over the order of callbacks.

This change is not binary compatible due to changes in

 - cleanup `Producer` scaladocs
 - add more producer tests


Co-authored-by: Steven Vroonland <>
  • Loading branch information
erikvanoosten and svroonland authored Jan 19, 2025
1 parent 81b9f3e commit 645591b
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package zio.kafka.producer

import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.{ ConsumerGroupMetadata, OffsetAndMetadata }
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{ Callback, ProducerRecord, RecordMetadata }
import org.apache.kafka.common.{ Metric, MetricName, PartitionInfo, TopicPartition, Uuid }
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{ Producer => KafkaProducer }
import zio._

import java.time.Duration
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import java.util.{ List => JList, Map => JMap }
import java.util.concurrent.{ CompletableFuture, Future => JFuture }
import scala.collection.mutable

* A test framework for unit testing users of the async `send(ProducerRecord, Callback)` method of the Kafka producer,
* featuring precise control over when the callback is called.
* This was build because the MockProducer from the Kafka library does not provide callback control.
* Use it as follows:
* {{{
* val sendException = new RuntimeException("fail from send")
* val callbackException = new RuntimeException("fail from callback")
* val mockBehavior = AsyncProducerTestSupport.newMockBehavior[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]()
* .sendSucceed() // send 0
* .sendFail(sendException) // send fails immediately (no number)
* .sendSucceed() // send 1
* .callbackSucceed() // callback for send 0
* .callbackFail(callbackException) // callback for send 1
* ////// Out of order callbacks:
* .sendSucceed() // send 2
* .sendSucceed() // send 3
* .sendSucceed() // send 4
* .callbackSucceed(3) // out of order callback of send 3
* .callbackSucceed() // callback of send 2
* .callbackSucceed() // callback of send 4
* ////// Basic checks
* .callbackSucceed() // Fails because all sends already have a callback
* .callbackSucceed(1) // Fails because send 1 already has a callback
* }}}
* When all mock behavior have been given, you can use the `run` method and use the given mock producer as if it is a
* regular Kafka producer.
* {{{
* { mockProducer =>
* // use the producer, make assertions, etc.
* }
* }}}
* The 'send' invocations are expected in the order they are given. When 'publisher.send' is invoked while a callback
* mock behavior is pending, the 'send' operation is blocked until the callback is done.
* Get a history of all send records (all 'send' attempts) with: `mockBehavior.history()`.
* Current limitations:
* - the given mock producer is not thread-safe; only one threads can use it at a time
* - the future that is returned from the `send` method never completes
* - the metadata that is returned is always the same, it contains no information
object AsyncProducerTestSupport {

// Developer notes:
// `n` is used as the callback index (and therefore the index of `sendSuccess` mock behavior)
// While the behavior methods are invoked, and with a final check in `run`, we check that every callback behavior
// (either a `callbackSucceed` or a `callbackException`) is coupled to exactly 1 `sendSuccess` behavior. Too
// little, or additional callbacks result in an exception.
// Method `run` works with 2 fibers that run concurrently:
// - a coordinator fiber, that loops over the behaviors, awaiting `send`s and invoking callbacks
// - the test code that can use `mockProducer.send`
// The two coordinate via several promises:
// - the test code awaits a start-promise that tells the `send` may proceed
// - the coordinator awaits the callback-promise that tells that send was invoked, and to get the callback
// that can later be invoked

trait AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V] {
def sendSucceed(): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V]
def sendFail(e: Throwable): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V]
def callbackSucceed(): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V]
def callbackSucceed(n: Int): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V]
def callbackFail(e: Exception): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V]
def callbackFail(n: Int, e: Exception): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V]
def run[R, A](testCode: KafkaProducer[K, V] => ZIO[R, Throwable, A]): ZIO[R, Throwable, A]
def history: Chunk[ProducerRecord[K, V]]

private sealed trait MockBehavior
private final case class SendSucceed(n: Int) extends MockBehavior
private final case class SendFail(e: Throwable) extends MockBehavior {
override def toString: String = s"SendFail(${e.getClass.getSimpleName})"
private final case class CallbackSucceed(n: Int) extends MockBehavior
private final case class CallbackFail(n: Int, e: Exception) extends MockBehavior {
override def toString: String = s"CallbackFail($n, ${e.getClass.getSimpleName})"

def newMockBehavior[K, V](): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V] = new AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V] {
private val behaviorBuilder: ChunkBuilder[MockBehavior] = Chunk.newBuilder
private val callbacksAvailable: mutable.Set[Int] = mutable.BitSet.empty
private var callbackCount: Int = 0
private val _history: ChunkBuilder[ProducerRecord[K, V]] = Chunk.newBuilder

override def sendSucceed(): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V] = {
behaviorBuilder += SendSucceed(callbackCount)
callbacksAvailable += callbackCount
callbackCount += 1
override def sendFail(e: Throwable): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V] = {
behaviorBuilder += SendFail(e)
private def addCallback(n: Option[Int], op: Int => MockBehavior): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V] = {
n match {
case Some(n) =>
if (callbacksAvailable.contains(n)) {
callbacksAvailable -= n
behaviorBuilder += op(n)
} else {
throw new AssertionError(
s"Callback mock behavior for send $n can not be added because that send expectation does not exist, or it already has a callback"
case None =>
throw new AssertionError(
s"Callback mock behavior can not be added because all send expectations already have a callback"
override def callbackSucceed(): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V] =
addCallback(callbacksAvailable.minOption, CallbackSucceed(_))
override def callbackSucceed(n: Int): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V] =
addCallback(Some(n), CallbackSucceed(_))
override def callbackFail(e: Exception): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V] =
addCallback(callbacksAvailable.minOption, CallbackFail(_, e))
override def callbackFail(n: Int, e: Exception): AsyncProducerTestSupportBehavior[K, V] =
addCallback(Some(n), CallbackFail(_, e))

override def run[R, A](testCode: KafkaProducer[K, V] => ZIO[R, Throwable, A]): ZIO[R, Throwable, A] = {
if (callbacksAvailable.nonEmpty) {
throw new AssertionError(s"Missing ${callbacksAvailable.size} callback mock behaviors")

final case class SendExpectation(
mockBehavior: MockBehavior, // For scala 3 change to: `SendSucceed | SendFail`
startPromise: Promise[Nothing, Unit],
callbackPromise: Promise[Nothing, Callback]

def fromOptionOrDie[A1](value: => Option[A1]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, A1] =
.orDieWith(_ => new AssertionError("Bug in AsyncProducerTestSupport"))

def callbackPromiseForN(sendExpectations: Seq[SendExpectation], n: Int): Option[Promise[Nothing, Callback]] =
sendExpectations.collectFirst {
case SendExpectation(SendSucceed(n1), _, callbackPromise) if n1 == n => callbackPromise

val behaviors = behaviorBuilder.result()
for {
sendExpectations <- ZIO.collect(behaviors) {
case behavior @ (SendSucceed(_) | SendFail(_)) =>
for {
startPromise <- Promise.make[Nothing, Unit]
callbackPromise <- Promise.make[Nothing, Callback]
} yield SendExpectation(behavior, startPromise, callbackPromise)
case _ =>
runtime <- ZIO.runtime[Any]
mockProducer = new NotSupportedProducer[K, V] {
private val currentSendIndex = new AtomicInteger(0)
override def send(
record: ProducerRecord[K, V],
callback: Callback
): JFuture[RecordMetadata] = {
_history += record
val sendIndex = currentSendIndex.getAndIncrement()
if (sendIndex >= sendExpectations.size)
throw new AssertionError(s"No mock behavior defined for send $sendIndex")
val sendExpectation = sendExpectations(sendIndex)
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit u => {
for {
_ <- sendExpectation.startPromise.await
_ <- sendExpectation.callbackPromise.succeed(callback)
} yield ()
(sendExpectation.mockBehavior: @unchecked) match {
// return a dummy future, it is never completed
case _: SendSucceed => new CompletableFuture[RecordMetadata]()
case SendFail(e) => throw e
sei = sendExpectations.iterator
handleBehaviors =
ZIO.foreach(behaviors) {
case mb @ (SendSucceed(_) | SendFail(_)) =>
for {
sendOperation <- fromOptionOrDie(sei.nextOption())
_ <- sendOperation.startPromise.succeed(())
_ <- ZIO
Seq(ZIO.logInfo(s"Still expecting mock behavior $mb").delay(3.seconds).forever)
.timeoutFail(new AssertionError(s"Timed out waiting for mock behavior $mb"))(1.minute)
} yield ()
case CallbackSucceed(n) =>
for {
callbackPromise <- fromOptionOrDie(callbackPromiseForN(sendExpectations, n))
callback <- callbackPromise.await
// return dummy metadata
metadata = new RecordMetadata(new TopicPartition("", 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
_ <- ZIO.attempt(callback.onCompletion(metadata, null))
} yield ()
case CallbackFail(n, e) =>
for {
callbackPromise <- fromOptionOrDie(callbackPromiseForN(sendExpectations, n))
callback <- callbackPromise.await
_ <- ZIO.attempt(callback.onCompletion(null, e))
} yield ()
result <- handleBehaviors &> testCode(mockProducer)
} yield result

override def history: Chunk[ProducerRecord[K, V]] = _history.result()

* A [[KafkaProducer]] that does not support any operation.
* @tparam K
* key type
* @tparam V
* value type
class NotSupportedProducer[K, V] extends KafkaProducer[K, V] {
override def initTransactions(): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def beginTransaction(): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def sendOffsetsToTransaction(
offsets: JMap[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata],
consumerGroupId: String
): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def sendOffsetsToTransaction(
offsets: JMap[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata],
groupMetadata: ConsumerGroupMetadata
): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def commitTransaction(): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def abortTransaction(): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def send(record: ProducerRecord[K, V]): JFuture[RecordMetadata] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def send(record: ProducerRecord[K, V], callback: Callback): JFuture[RecordMetadata] =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def flush(): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def partitionsFor(topic: String): JList[PartitionInfo] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def metrics(): JMap[MetricName, _ <: Metric] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def clientInstanceId(timeout: Duration): Uuid = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def close(): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

override def close(timeout: Duration): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

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