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Peter Culak edited this page Sep 6, 2016 · 35 revisions





Is Blizzard okay with this?

HDT is not starting / crashing at start up. How do I fix this?

  • Do you have Windows Vista or higher and .NET Framework 4.5 or higher?
  • Have you extracted all the files? Don't start HDT from a zipped folder.
  • Try reinstalling / repairing your .NET Framework installation
  • Is there a log entry in the windows event viewer (Windows start menu > control panel > management tool > event viewer > windows log > application)

I've extracted the program's zip file, where is the exe?

The overlay is only showing the cards that have been played, what about those left in my deck?

What is the difference between an Active and Selected deck?

  • Since version 0.10.5 the method of picking a deck has changed.
  • There is a now a difference between an Active deck and a Selected deck.
  • The Active deck is the one you want to play with in a game.
  • A Selected deck allows you to view the deck without interfering with the deck that you are playing with.
  • To make a deck active you click USE to the right of the deck name.

Decks - Use

  • It then displays as ACTIVE

Decks - Active

  • Clicking elsewhere on a deck makes it Selected, it is highlighted with the current theme color.

Decks - Select

Games and/or Stats are not being saved

  • First, make sure you have an Active deck, otherwise games will not be associated with any deck.
  • Next, open the options and go to the Stats section

Options - Stats

  • Make sure the RECORD FOR section has the game modes checked that you want recorded (e.g. Ranked, Arena).
  • Also, ensure the DISPLAY settings are what you want - these will govern the win/loss stats that appear on the deck list and on the in game overlay.
  • If the stats seem to be missing from the STATS > GAMES & STATISTICS window, check that the filters are not restricting the games that you are interested in.

How can I add games manually?

  • Select the DECK and GAMES tabs
  • Then click on ADD NEW GAME

Add Game

Decks I create are not showing up or disappear when I apply a tag.

  • Make sure you are not filtering out the missing decks.


I'm getting no stats displayed on the deck list screen, even though I have games recorded.

  • Go to Options > Tracker > Stats and check the settings in the Display group
  • Make sure you are not filtering out stats, for example if Mode is set to Ranked all Arena decks show No Stats.


Why is my game so choppy / FPS so low after using HDT?

  • Scenario 1: Performance problems only occour while HDT is running:
    • Enable Windows Aero.
  • Scenario 2: Performance problems occour even if HDT is not running:
    • HDT enables Hearthstones debug-logging "feature" (required to obtain any and all information)
    • A lot is written to that log, apparently resultung in performance issues in some cases.
    • A possible solution seems to be to set %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Blizzard as an exception in Windows Defender. (source)
    • If the previous one is not working there is no way around it, if you want to use HDT. The logging was not intended to be used in this way, so there will most likely never be a fix for it.
    • So the only "fix" your FPS issues (you will no longer be able to use HDT): Close Hearthstone and HDT, then run the "HDTUninstaller.exe" found in the same folder. Click Hearthstone Logging: REMOVE. After restarting, your game should be back to normal, but running HDT again will re-enable the logging.

It's not detecting cards I or my opponent play.

To fix this try the following:

  • Restart Hearthstone.
  • If the problem persists: See here on how to manually set up the log.config.
  • Problem still persists: Make sure the Hearthstone path is set correctly. options > tracker > settings > set hearthstone path (There were user reports of this not working, to manually do this: Close HDT, go to %AppData%/HearthstoneDeckTracker (Win+R, paste), open the config.xml with any texteditor and look for <HearthstoneDirectory>...</HearthstoneDirectory>. Set this to the correct path.
  • Check if the log files are created at <HearthstoneDir>\Logs and written to. If there aren't any logs or if the logs are outdated:
    • Unblock Hearthstone in your antivirus programs
    • Exit Hearthstone, delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\Blizzard\Hearthstone, start HDT and then start Hearthstone again
  • If you are using the same Hearthstone installation since beta, try reinstalling Hearthstone (see here)

Exporting is not working properly / missing cards.

  • If about half the cards are missing every time:
    • This is a windows 8 (and above?) touchscreen issue, where the search box jumps around:
    • searchbox
    • To fix this: Find hearthstone.exe in C:\Program Files (x86), right click, and select Properties. Then go to the Compatibility tab. Check the box for "Run this program in compatability mode for" and select Windows 7. Then restart Hearthstone.
  • If the first few cards are missing most of the time or it gets stuck on the 0-mana filter:
    • Go to options > tracker > exporting (enable advanced options at the bottom) and set Wait 0 seconds before starting to at least 1.
    • In addition to that you may want to try lowering the speed.
  • If a few random cards are missing most of the time:
    • Go to options > tracker > exporting (enable advanced options at the bottom) and lower the speed setting.
  • If it just keeps clicking "Deck Helper" check the in-game settings and make sure a resolution is selected.
  • If none of those apply/help:
    • Make sure a explicit resolution is set in Hearthstone.
    • Try running HDT as administrator.
    • Try restarting Hearthstone.

How is the probability for my opponent holding a card calculated?

See here.

Is HDT available for OSX?

There are currently no plans for an OSX version. Check out HSTracker by @bmichotte.

Ranked games are recorded as Casual.

Rank and ranked mode detection works based on image recognition, so it's fairly error prone. Most common causes:

  • Make sure Hearthstone is actually set to a resolution in the options menu.
  • Resolutions that causes the game to have black bars on any side don't work.
  • Screen dimming software is a possible issue. Here you can try enabling options (enable advanced) > tracker > settings > alternative screen capture.