Revolutional data processing language. World domination toolset component...
- Syntax is described in wiki
- Hopstance - class for stream processing
- hop method = do it!
- createNewRetLineNum method = get current text and position, then process it, create new Hopstance, change text (optionally, if optimizations were made), and return created Hopstance and new position in text
- do_yield method = do yield :)
- cassandra (opt) - used to interact with Cassandra DB
- mongodb, bson_ext (opt) - used to interact with NongoDB
- citrus - used for expression grammar
- copy repository
- run gem install hopcsv*gem
- run bundle install
- All DONE! You can run hpl, or specify "require 'hoplang'" in your programs
rake - run all rspec tests
To tun selected tests use something like this:
hpl tests/var_test.hpl
bin/hpl tests/top_test.hpl