This is an android image loader wrapper for Glide.
If you are using Glide to load a picture in you Android app like this:
I think it's not simple enough, so I wrapped it by myself and now I can use Glide like this :
Glider.load(imageView, picUrl); // load picture.
Glider.loadSquare(imageView, picUrl); // load crop square picture
Glider.loadCircle(imageView, picUrl); // load crop circle picture
Glider.loadSquareRound(imageView, picUrl, 10); // load crop square picture rounded 10dp.
// by yourself.
Glider.load(new GliderOption.Builder(imageView, picUrl)
// .listener()
Just need to copy few java files into your app or add a 'compile' as below to use it.
compile ''
If you use above 'compile' to use Glider, you should remove old Glide 'compile' in your gradle file. And if you copy the java files into your app , you should make sure these two 'compile' in your app/build.gradle
compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.7.0'
compile 'jp.wasabeef:glide-transformations:2.0.1'