PyTorch implementation of
- DeepBIQ(
- use DeepBIQ and ppo( to search usb camera image quality param(brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness)
Contributions are very welcome. If you know how to make this code better, don't hesitate to send a pull request.
- Ubuntu 14.04
- usb camera (must support 640 * 480 resolution)
- python3.6
- PyTorch
- LIVE In the Wild Image Quality Challenge Database (ChallengeDB_release, it must locate in: pytorch-image-quality-param-ctrl/deepbiq/ChallengeDB_release)
- if you want ppo to search good image quality param, you should add more sample to ChallengeDB_release, for example: very dark, very bright, very saturated images and so on to train DeepBIQ model
you should save your usb camera default quality param
v4l2-ctl --get-ctrl brightness
v4l2-ctl --get-ctrl contrast
v4l2-ctl --get-ctrl saturation
v4l2-ctl --get-ctrl sharpness
maybe you have to install v4l2-ctl
sudo apt-get install v4l2-ctl
cd deepbiq/
cd ppo/
if occurred error like:set brightness=106 failed:Input/output error ; you have to power up again usb camera