Unix Timestamp Converter is a plugin for Geany used to convert unix epoch timestamps to human readable strings and to also their GPS timestamp equivalents. The supported timestamp formats include integers in seconds, milliseconds or microseconds like "1433141615", "1433141615123", "1433141615123456" as well as floating point like "1433141615.123" (milliseconds) or "1433141615.123456" (microseconds). Microseconds or lesser values will not be shown in the final conversion result!
This repository represents an independent project whose results could be manually integrated with Geany.
- Supported platforms: Linux
- License: MIT
- Conversion to time string in GMT, user's local time zone, and in GPS timestamp format.
- Shows results in 'Messages' tab or both in 'Messages' tab and in a popup window.
- Use only the current selected text as a timestamp source or use the current selected text with first priority or the clipboard with second priority.
- Turn on/off error messages.
- Turn on/off the support for timestamps in milli/microseconds.
- geany
- geany-devel or geany-common (depending on the distro)
- gtk+3.0-dev(el) or gtk+2.0-dev(el) (depending on the distro)
- make
- pkg-config
To compile run: make
To install (root privileges needed) run: sudo make install
To uninstall (root privileges needed) run: sudo make uninstall
This is an alternative to globally install the plugin for all users. No root privileges needed.
To install for the current account run: make localinstall
To uninstall for the current account run: make localuninstall
Attention MacOS users - this plugin will work with the manually installed and compiled Geany editor from source code. It will not work with the version installed from dmg files.