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An implementation of EAP/802.1x Wireless Network with FreeRADIUS

This is a FreeRADIUS configuration used to implement an EAP/802.1x wireless network. The following features are implemented.


  • Wireless access using EAP authentication. Wireless users log onto the wireless network using username and password. Each user will have a its own profile. This profile contains: mobile number, email, first name, last name etc.
  • Each user's network traffic will be limited to monthly quota. This quota includes both uploads and downloads. Once the quota is reached, user will be disconnected from the network.
  • Network quota reset every month on a given date. For example, quota resets on 3rd of every month.
  • Users can be managed via user groups. This means that the same network policy can be applied to a group of users. A network policy could be like, 50 G of quota and reset on 3rd of every month.
  • Restrict users to certain network access points. For example, the user group students can only have access to the NAS located in the science block.
  • Send user data usage warning messages via email and SMS. Once the user reached 50%, 80% or 100% of its quota, a warning message will be sent through both email and SMS.

##Environment: This is the environment used to implement the wireless network with EAP authentication.

  • Email server: mailgun.
  • SMS gateway:
  • NAS (dynamic ip): Mikrotik.
  • Radius server (static ip): FreeRADIUS Version 3 hosted with CoreOS + Docker.
  • GUI for user management: OWUMS hosted with CoreOS + Docker.


  • Debian baseed linux distros
  • FreeRADIUS Version 2 or Version 3
  • Cron
  • Curl
  • Perl

##Configuration: To use this implementation a sets of configuration data needs to be correctly entered. The mysql sample configuration are at radius-configdb/owums_sample.sql. This sql schema can be use for both version 3 and 2. Email and SMS configuration are at radius-config/version.3/mods-config/perl/ In version 2, Email and SMS configuration are hard coded in radius-config/version.2/perl/ ###Radius Database: These are the default values.

Version 3: radius-config/version.3/mods-available/sql

    driver = "rlm_sql_mysql"
    server = "mysql"
    port = 3306
    login = "radius"
    password = "radpass"
    radius_db = "owums_db"

Version 2: radius-config/version.2/sql.conf

    database = "owums_db"
    server = "mysql"
    port = 3306
    login = "radius"
    password = "radpass"

###Wireless Users: Table: users An user must belong to at least one user group.

id email crypted_password active given_name surname username mobile_suffix sentmail
10 7KU14qfW 1 Bob Jones bob 0413129133 0

Table: radius_groups

id name
5 staff

Table: radius_groups_users

user_id radius_group_id
10 5

###Network Information: Table: nas

nasname shortname type secret nasidentifier
headoffice headoffice mikrotik radius 02-0C-42-B7-A9-5E:GRACE UPON GRACE
  • nasname is a description of the NAS.
  • shortname shoudl be unique to identify the NAS.
  • type the type of the NAS.
  • secret radius server secret.
  • nasidentifier the mac-address and SSID. Note the format.

###Network policy: Table: radius_checks This is to set the traffic quota and reset date.

check_attribute op value radius_entity_id
Reset-Date := 3 5
Total-Bytes := 16106127360 5
  • check_attribute can be either Reset-Date or Total-Bytes.
  • Reset-Date is the reset date of the month. It must be between 1-26.
  • Total-Bytes is the total network quota in bytes (upload and download).
  • op must be :=.
  • radius_entity_id is the of a group. For this example, it is group staff.
  • value this is the value of the check_attribute.

Table: radius_replies

This radius implementation does send Mikrotik-Total-Limit and Mikrotik-Total-Limit-Gigawordsin the reply attribute. These attributes should terminate the session when quota is reached. However Mikrotik NAS does not behave this way. I do not know why. To work around this problem, each session will be forced to reconnect after a period of time (1 hour). When an user reconnects, radius server will check the network usage and enforce the network policy.

reply_attribute op value radius_entity_id
Session-Timeout := 10800 5
  • reply_attribute can only be Session-Timeout.
  • radius_entity_id is the of a group. For this example, it is group staff.
  • value this is the value of the reply_attribute.
  • Session-Timeout this is the time limit of each session. The value is in seconds.

Table: radsitegroup This grant user group access to NAS. In this example, user group staff have access to NAS headoffice.

groupname nasshortname
staff headoffice
  • groupname must be an existing group name in
  • nasshortname must be an existing nas in nas.shortname or it can have the value ALL. ALL will grant access to all NAS in the nas table.

###Email and SMS: This is the email and sms configuration for version 3. This information is at radius-config/version.3/mods-config/perl/

###Cron job:


##Build Docker image


  1. Download the Dockerfile

    bash$ curl -O

  2. Download the supervisord.conf.

    bash$ curl -O

  3. Build image.

    docker build -t zhex900/freeradius3 .

##Automatic Build for Docker Image

  1. Download the radius-config

    bash$ git clone

  2. Go to the Docker folder

    bash$ cd radius-config/version.3/Docker

  3. Build image. This will take a long time.

    bash$ sh

##Run the Docker image

bash$ docker run -d --name freeradius3 --link mysql-service:mysql -p 1812:1812/udp -p 1813:1813/udp zhex900/freeradius3

This image is 334.4 MB.

##Initial Setup

###Change configuration from default To make changes to the radius database settings and, you will need to get into the docker container. This is how you get into the container. Once you are in, all the freeradius configuration files are in /etc/freeradius. You can make changes as needed.

bash$ docker exec -it freeradius3 bash

After you made the changes. You will need to restart the freeradius server. For this container freeradius is managed by supervisord.

bash$ supervisorctl

supervisor> restart freeradius

supervisor> exit

You can type exit to get out of the container.

To save your changes to your image.

bash$ docker commit -m "updated mysql config and" freeradius3 zhex900/freeradius3

###Setup database

bash$  mysql -u root -ppassword -h mysql
mysql> CREATE DATABASE owums_db;
mysql> create user 'radius'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'radpass';
mysql> grant ALL PRIVILEGES on owums_db.* to 'radius'@'%';    
mysql> exit;
bash$  wget
bash$  mysql -u radius -pradpass -h mysql owums_db < /etc/freeradius/db/owums_db_default.sql

This does the following three things.

  • Create new radius user
  • Create owums_db databse
  • Copy the default database


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