Zheer Kejlberg Al-Mashhadi 2023-11-05
Load dependencies
Set some basic variables
# Set basic vars
splits <- 1
hours <- 2*splits # two updates of bacterial number per hour
days <- 24*hours
month <- 30*days
t2 <- 12*hours # doubling time of bacterial load
multiplier <- 2^(1/t2)
no_of_sims <- 20
Define all the functions
# Define function to refill bottle
refill <- function(df, time) {
vol_refilled <- 1000 - df[time-1,]$volume
last_col <- df[time-1,]$colonies
df[time,] <- data.frame(
time = time,
volume = 1000,
colonies = last_col + vol_refilled,
conc = (last_col + vol_refilled) / 1000,
step = "refill"
# Define function for drinking
drink <- function(df, df2, time, volumes) {
last_vol <- df[time-1,]$volume
drink_vol <- min(volumes[time], last_vol)
new_vol <- last_vol - drink_vol
volume_ratio <- new_vol / last_vol
last_col <- df[time-1,]$colonies
new_col <- last_col * volume_ratio
colony_diff <- last_col - new_col
df[time,] <- data.frame(
time = time,
volume = new_vol,
colonies = new_col,
conc = new_col / new_vol,
step = "drink"
df2[time,] <- data.frame(
volume = drink_vol,
colonies = colony_diff
# Define function for bacterial spread
spread <- function(df, time) {
new_col <- df[time-1,]$colonies * multiplier
new_vol <- df[time-1,]$volume
df[time,] <- data.frame(
time = time,
volume = new_vol,
colonies = new_col,
conc = new_col / new_vol,
step = "spread"
# Define function to pick the next function to run
pick_step <- function(bottle, drunk, time, does_drink, scenario, volumes) {
if (scenario == "continuous") {
condition <- bottle[time-1,]$step == "drink"
} else {
condition <- bottle[time-1,]$volume == 0
if (condition) {
bottle <- refill(bottle, time)
} else {
if (does_drink[time] == 1) {
df_list <- drink(bottle, drunk, time, volumes)
bottle <- df_list[[1]]
drunk <- df_list[[2]]
} else {
bottle <- spread(bottle,time)
return(list(bottle, drunk))
# Define the function to run a full simulation
run_sim <- function(scenario = FALSE) {
# Random numbers to use
does_drink <- rbinom(month, 1, 0.1)
volumes <- rnorm(month,240,25)
# Set up bottle dataframe
bottle <- data.frame(
time = 1:month,
volume = c(1000, rep(NA, month-1)),
colonies = c(1000, rep(NA, month-1)),
conc = c(1, rep(NA, month-1)),
step = c("initialize", rep(NA, month-1))
# Set up drink counter
drunk <- data.frame(
volume = c(0, rep(NA, month-1)),
colonies = c(0, rep(NA, month-1))
for (i in 2:nrow(bottle)) {
df_list <- pick_step(bottle, drunk, i, does_drink, scenario, volumes)
bottle <- df_list[[1]]
drunk <- df_list[[2]]
print(sum(drunk$colonies, na.rm=TRUE))
Run the simulations
# Run the simulation with continuous refilling
t1 <- as.numeric(rep(NA,no_of_sims))
for (repetition in 1:no_of_sims) {
t1[repetition] <- run_sim("continuous")
## [1] 588092.4
## [1] 1043426
## [1] 333402.1
## [1] 314135.4
## [1] 508355.9
## [1] 2622388
## [1] 1132464
## [1] 445508.5
## [1] 357371.1
## [1] 1001393
## [1] 3977928
## [1] 336702.7
## [1] 655542.4
## [1] 915481.3
## [1] 990948.2
## [1] 298273.4
## [1] 773240.5
## [1] 781327.9
## [1] 495350.9
## [1] 790518.3
# Run the simulation with refilling whenever empty
t2_summary <- as.numeric(rep(NA,no_of_sims))
for (repetition in 1:no_of_sims) {
t2_summary[repetition] <- run_sim()
## [1] 76231.69
## [1] 66945.13
## [1] 85469.91
## [1] 81538.38
## [1] 74653.32
## [1] 70122.61
## [1] 63139.04
## [1] 66498.84
## [1] 63577.14
## [1] 88217.38
## [1] 67575.25
## [1] 67814.63
## [1] 60375.77
## [1] 73089.88
## [1] 63747.15
## [1] 68465.92
## [1] 70357.91
## [1] 66686.37
## [1] 65621.27
## [1] 81490.62
Create plots of distributions of total bacterial intake
# Create density plots
t1_df <- as.data.frame(t1)
t1_plot <- ggplot(t1_df, aes(x=t1)) +
geom_density() + labs(
title = paste("Refilling continuously - ", no_of_sims, " iterations", sep=""),
x = "Total bacteria drunk",
y = "Density"
) + xlim(min(t1_df),max(t1_df))
z1 <- as.matrix(summary(t1))
z1 <- tableGrob(z1)
grid.arrange(t1_plot, z1, heights=c(2.5,1))
t2_df <- as.data.frame(t2_summary)
t2_plot <- ggplot(t2_df, aes(x=t2_summary)) +
geom_density() + labs(
title = paste("Refilling when empty - ", no_of_sims, " iterations", sep=""),
x = "Total bacteria drunk",
y = "Density"
) + xlim(min(t2_df),max(t2_df))
z2 <- as.matrix(summary(t2_summary))
z2 <- tableGrob(z2)
grid.arrange(t2_plot, z2, heights=c(2.5,1))