Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by Constantine Kyriakopoulos,
Version: 1.0.2
License: GNU GPL Version 3
The shortest path problem is solved by many methods including heuristics that offer lower complexity in expense of accuracy. There are many use-cases where the lower accuracy is acceptable in return of lower consumption of computing resources or the ability to adapt to a constantly changing operating environment.
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) emulates the social behaviour of, e.g., a flock of birds, as a stochastic optimization method [1, 2]. Specifically, a particle is an entity representing a solution in the search space. Several particles cooperate inside an algorithmic flow to occupy positions close to the best solution. So, when a number of predefined iterations for evaluation ends (depending on topology resources like the node-number), the particle which provides the best position is the one to provide the solution to the problem. To achieve this goal, a fitness function evaluates every particle’s position at any time. Its velocity depends on neighbours’ positions, and the current and previous best position the particle had at the moment of evaluation.
This is a heuristic method, i.e., optimal results are not always feasible. According to topology's resources like the node and edge numbers, the proper numbers of iterations and particles must be used. Large numbers lead to paths with higher probability of being optimal but more computational resources are consumed.
There are only two requirements, i.e., the Boost Library and the availability of C++20 or C++17 standard. Boost is utilised for parsing the JSON representation of the topology. There is also the option to insert edges using the AdaptiveSystem interface, so in this case the JSON dependence can be commented out. Tested with Clang 12 and libc++ from the LLVM project. Build with 'mkdir build && cd build; cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../ && make' from the main source directory.
Create a new instance of PsoSystem in your code passing as arguments the JSON topology file and the numbers of iterations and particles (default values are also provided but the shortest paths aren't returned under every topology size). Next, execute the method path(src, dest) where src is the source node and dest the destination to reach. This returns the valid path that particles converge to.
[1] Zhang, Y., Wang, S. and Ji, G., 2015. A comprehensive survey on particle swarm optimization algorithm and its applications. Mathematical Problems in Engineering.
[2] Mohemmed, A.W., Sahoo, N.C. and Geok, T.K., 2008. Solving shortest path problem using particle swarm optimization. Applied Soft Computing, 8(4), pp.1643-1653.
1.0.X 2020-XX-XX XX 1.0.2 2020-11-21 Extended the interface for individual edge insertion 1.0.1 2020-11-17 Execution time improvement 1.0 2020-11-13 Initial public release