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A React and Redux mobile web app that leverages a Rest API to provide precise country details like population, capital city, and flag. It ensures a seamless and responsive user experience, forming the ideal base for a focused country information application.


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🗺️ Countries Information 🗺️

📗 Table of Contents

🗺️ Countries Information

A Mobile web application offers information about countries such as their population, capital city, flag, and other relevant details. Users can access a wide range of country-specific information, making it an invaluable resource for personal or professional research purposes

📷 project screenshot


🛠 Built With

React, Redux , MUI react and external API

Tech Stack

React, redux, axios, jest webpack and babel

Key Features

  • Display total world population
  • Display Countries with their flag and population
  • Detail information about selected country
  • Responisive layout
  • Material UI mobile web
  • Used REST countries API Link
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    🚀 Live Demo

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    💻 Getting Started

    to run on your localhost clone the project to local folder

    cd countries_cites

    npm i

    npm start


    git clone

    cd countries_cites

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    In order to run this project you need:

    • latest web-browser
    • node.js and npm


    To install this project in your local machine use

    npm i

    npm run build


    To run the project, execute the following command:

    Open terminal on the same directory of project

    write "npm start"

    open http://localhost:3000/ in browser

    👥 Authors

    👤 zewdu erkyhun

    🔭 Future Features

    Add Mobile Version using React Native

    🤝 Contributing

    Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

    Feel free to check the issues page.

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    ⭐️ Show your support

    If you like the project please give it star

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    🙏 Acknowledgments

    • I want to thank the Microverse team.

    • I would like to express gratitude to Nelson Sakwa on Behance, as per the Creative Commons license.

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    📝 License

    This project is MIT licensed.

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    A React and Redux mobile web app that leverages a Rest API to provide precise country details like population, capital city, and flag. It ensures a seamless and responsive user experience, forming the ideal base for a focused country information application.








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