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Nagios plugin for check fail2ban status and jails. Supports directly usage and Nagios/Icinga usage.


  • -h (--help) - Shows help message.
  • -j (--show-jails) - Shows active jails. Uses special log file with fail2ban status if Nagios/Icinga usage enabled.
  • -i (--show-jails-info) - Shows jails info. Only for directly usage.
  • -n (--nagios) - Enable Nagios/Icinga usage. Showing jails info requiring use log file with fail2ban status.
  • -p (--log-path) - Specify path to log file with fail2ban status. Only for Nagios/Icinga usage (usage: -p <path> | --log-path=<path>).


Notice: curent user must be root or user with sudo access.

Put to nagios plugins directory (usually /usr/lib*/nagios/plugins). Than make file executable (chmod +x

Directly usage

Show only status


Show active jails

./ -j

Show active jails and their info

./ -j -i

Nagios/Icinga usage

Add following check command object to your commands file

object CheckCommand "fail2ban" {
	import "plugin-check-command"
	command = [ PluginDir + "/" ]
	arguments = {
		"-n" = {}
		"-j" = {
			set_if = "$show_jails$"
		"-p" = {
			value = "$log_path$"
			set_if = "$show_jails$"

Than add service definition to your services with check_command = "fail2ban".

Supported vars:

  • show_jails - Shows active jails. Set 1 to activate.
  • log_path - Sets full path to log file with fail2ban status. Required if show_jails set to 1.

By default without this parameters you can get only status on fail2ban (running/not running). Log file is required for show jails and jails info because the nagios user does not have the rights to access the fail2ban client. Put in any directory if you want to get jails info.

Than add script to cron

*/1 * * * * /bin/bash <full_path_to_script> -p <full_path_to_log_file>

Use parameter -i (--show-jails-info) if you want to show info about for each jail

*/1 * * * * /bin/bash <full_path_to_script> -p <full_path_to_log_file> -i

Script creates/updates log file in specified path and make it readable only for users in nagios group and for user nagios.


  • 12.02.2020 - 1.0.2 - Fixed definition of running process for new versions of Fail2Ban.
  • 23.12.2017 - 1.0.1 - added parameters to script instead of editing inner variables
  • 21.12.2017 - 1.0.0 - released