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ZetaPush Android library

This library manage all the complex connection process for you. You will find utility classes to simplify the processe of connecting to ZetaPush and calling services and macros.

ZetaPush Android sample

Example of Android project that uses ZetaPush Android SDK



First of all, you have to create an account on ZetaPush

Add ZetaPush Android SDK dependency

Add ZetaPush Nexus repository ('') to your main Gradle file (build.gradle at root of your Android project):


allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

Then add the ZetaPush Android dependency 'compile com.zetapush:android-library:+' to the application gradle file (app/build.gradle):



dependencies {
    compile 'compile com.zetapush:android-library:+'

Make it work with Android linter

Some dependencies embedded by ZetaPush SDK references classes that are not available in Android. The classes that are using missing classes are never used by ZetaPush SDK. The classes are mainly utilities provided by external libraries.

To disable lint checking, add lintOptions section in android configuration (in app/build.gradle file):

app/build.gradle and app/lint.xml

android {

    lintOptions {
        lintConfig file("lint.xml")

Creates a file named lint.xml in app directory with the following content:

    <issue id="InvalidPackage">
        <ignore path="**/android-client*.jar"/>

ZetaPush Android Example



To launch the connection to the ZetaPush platform, we need to have a ZetaPush Client. You need to create either a WeakClient or a SmartClient. The first one provides an anonymous authentication and the second one provides both an anonymous authentication and a simple authentication (we can choose during to connection).


    WeakClient client = new WeakClient(MainActivity.this);
    // or client.connect(SANDBOX_ID, DEPLOY_ID);
    // or client.connect(SANDBOX_ID, DEPLOY_ID, resource);

The SANDBOX_ID is the ID of your sandbox on the ZetaPush platform. Then, the DEPLOY_ID is the id of your authentication service, by default this is weak_0. The resource is a string to identify your application.


    SmartClient client = new SmartClient(MainActivity.this);
    // or client.connect(SANDBOX_ID, DEPLOY_ID);
    // or client.connect(SANDBOX_ID, LOGIN, PASSWORD);
    // or client.connect(SANDBOX_ID, LOGIN, PASSWORD, DEPLOY_ID);
    // or client.connect(SANDBOX_ID, LOGIN, PASSWORD, DEPLOY_ID, resource);

The variables are the same that the WeakClient. The LOGIN and the PASSWORD are the credentials for the user in his simple authentication. If you put credentials you will connect you as simple authentication, if not, as weak authentication.




To get the status connection, you need to create a BroadcastReceiver and listen on the differents events :

    private ZetaPushConnectionReceiver zetaPushReceiver = new ZetaPushConnectionReceiver();

    protected void onResume() {
        registerReceiver(zetaPushReceiver, new IntentFilter(ZetaPushService.FLAG_ACTION_BROADCAST));

    protected void onPause() {

    private class ZetaPushConnectionReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

            switch (intent.getStringExtra(ZetaPushService.FLAG_STATE_CONNECTION)) {

                case ZetaPushService.FLAG_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED:
                    Log.e("STATE CONNECTION", "Connection established");

                case ZetaPushService.FLAG_CONNECTION_CLOSED:
                    Log.e("STATE CONNECTION", "Connection closed");

For example, here we only listen on the ConnectionEstablished and ConnectionClosed events. Here the list of connection events :

  • SuccessfullHandshake
  • FailedHandshake
  • ConnectionEstablished
  • ConnectionBroken
  • ConnectionClosed
  • MessageLost


To call macroscripts, you need to generate classes from your ZetaPush project. For this, you need to use the command line like this :

zms sdk -l java -i com.zetapush.monprojet -o /tmp/output_folder

// TODO : Provide the CLI and explain how to install it

Then you put the folder beside the package of your Activity in your Android code. When the classes are imported, you need to use a specific API to call macroscripts :

  • Asynchrone API
  • Synchrone API
  • Future API

The name of your interfaces and classes are specifics to your project but you have an example for each case below. Because we use communication network you need to launch the macroscript calls outside the UI Thread.


To properly understand how to call macroscripts, we need to define some variables. First when we use "macro_0", this is the name of the macroscript service in your ZetaPush project. By default this is macro_0. The variable client is your WeakClient or SmartClient object.

Then, the macroscript used to make our tests is named welcome :

    * Takes a message as input, and returns it, with a server message
    macroscript welcome(/** message from the client */ string message = "Hello") {
        // ...
    } return {clientMessage : message, serverMessage : WELCOME_MESSAGE}

Synchrone API

    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            try {
                MacroSyncApi macroApi = MacroSyncApi.Factory.createService(client.getZetaPushClient(), "macro_0");
                welcomeCompletion resultMacro = macroApi.welcome(new welcomeInput("test"));
                Log.e("RESULT MACRO", resultMacro.getResult().toString());

Asynchrone API

In this case, you need to create a listener that implements the AsyncApiListener.

    private class MacroApiListener implements MacroAsyncApiListener {

        public void welcome(welcomeCompletion notification) {
            Log.e("RESULT WELCOME", notification.getResult().toString());

Then we can call our macroscripts :

    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            try {
                MacroAsyncApi macroApi = MacroAsyncApi.Factory.createService(client.getZetaPushClient(), "macro_0");
                MacroAsyncApiListener.Factory.registerListener(new MacroApiListener(), client.getZetaPushClient(), "macro_0");
                macroApi.welcome(new welcomeInput("test"));

Future API

    private Future<welcomeCompletion> resultMacro;


    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            try {
                MacroFutureApi macroApi = MacroFutureApi.Factory.createService(client.getZetaPushClient(), "macro_0");
                resultMacro = macroApiFuture.welcome(new welcomeInput("test"));


    try {
        welcomeCompletion output = resultMacro.get();
        Log.e("RESULT MACRO", output.getResult().toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {


For example if you don't want to save any data, you can use the NoTokenStorage and NoCredentialsStorage classes that implement the needed interfaces :

    SmartClient client = new SmartClient(MainActivity.this, new NoTokenStorage(), new NoCredentialsStorage());

Of course you also can choose to implements yourself the methods to save, get and delete data. For example if you want to change the method to handle token :

    SmartClient client = new SmartClient(MainActivity.this, new StorageTokenInterface() {
        public void saveToken(String token) {


        public String getToken() {
            return null;

        public void clearToken() {


Secondary methods

The clients implements many other explicit methods. We list them :

Client (superclass of WeakClient and SmartClient)

  • getUserKey()
  • isConnected()
  • canDoConnection()
  • getSandboxId()
  • getResource()
  • setResource()


  • getCredentials()
  • hasCredentials()
  • isStronglyAuthenticated()
  • isWeaklyAuthenticated()


  • getToken()

Basic example

Here is a basic example with a button to launch the connection and another to call a macroscript. We use in our case the asynchrone API and a SmartClient.

    public class MainActivity extends Activity {

        private Button                          btnConnection;
        private Button                          btnMacro;
        private Thread                          threadMacro;

        // ZetaPush variables
        private SmartClient                     client;
        private ZetaPushConnectionReceiver      zetaPushReceiver = new ZetaPushConnectionReceiver();
        private final String                    SANDBOX_ID       = "nL_L8ZqL";
        private final String                    LOGIN            = "user";
        private final String                    PASSWORD         = "password";

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            // Create the ZetaPush Client
            client = new SmartClient(MainActivity.this);

            // UI
            btnConnection = (Button) findViewById(;
            btnMacro = (Button) findViewById(;

            // buttons
            btnConnection.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {
                    // Launch the connection to the ZetaPush platform
                    client.connect(SANDBOX_ID, LOGIN, PASSWORD);

            btnMacro.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {

                    // ZetaPush code to call macroscript (Asynchrone)
                    threadMacro = new Thread(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            MacroAsyncApi macroApi = MacroAsyncApi.Factory.createService(client.getZetaPushClient(), "macro_0");
                            MacroAsyncApiListener.Factory.registerListener(new MacroApiListener(), client.getZetaPushClient(), "macro_0");
                            macroApi.welcome(new welcomeInput("test"));

        protected void onResume() {
            registerReceiver(zetaPushReceiver, new IntentFilter(ZetaPushService.FLAG_ACTION_BROADCAST));

        protected void onPause() {

        protected void onDestroy() {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        // BroadcastReceiver for the connection status of ZetaPush
        private class ZetaPushConnectionReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

            public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

                switch (intent.getStringExtra(ZetaPushService.FLAG_STATE_CONNECTION)) {

                    case ZetaPushService.FLAG_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED:
                        Log.e("STATE CONNECTION", "Connection established");

                    case ZetaPushService.FLAG_CONNECTION_CLOSED:
                        Log.e("STATE CONNECTION", "Connection closed");

        private class MacroApiListener implements AndroidpreprodAsyncApiListener {

            public void welcome(welcomeCompletion notification) {
                Log.e("RESULT MACRO", notification.getResult().toString());

How to share ZetaPush service between Activities

We have created an utility class call ZetaPushBaseActivity than you can use to help you share the ZetaPush service between your activities. If you have your main activity that create the WeakClient or SmarClient object, you can share the ZetaPushService by simply overiding onServiceAttached and onServiceDetached event.

If you have to create an API listener for your activity, don't forget to use a thread to instantiate it.

public class ChildActivity extends ZetaPushBaseActivity implements ZetaPushConnectionEvent {

    private ZetapushClient zetapushClient;
    private String userId;
    private static final String TAG = ChildActivity.class.getSimpleName();

    protected void onServiceAttached(ZetaPushService service) {
        // do something necessary by its subclass.
        Log.d(TAG, "onServiceAttached");
        zetapushClient = service.getZetaPushClient();
        //userId = zetapushClient.getUserId();

        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    // Create here your futureAPI or API Listeners ?
                    //futureApi = VisioFutureApi.Factory.createService(zetapushClient, "macro_0");
                    //VisioAsyncApiListener.Factory.registerListener(ZetapushConnectActivity.this, zetapushClient, "macro_0");
                } catch (Exception e) {


    protected void onServiceDetached() {
        Log.d(TAG, "onServiceDetached");
        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    // Unregister your API Listeners
                    //VisioAsyncApiListener.Factory.unregisterListener(ZetapushConnectActivity.this, zetapushClient);
                } catch (Exception e) {

    public void successfulHandshake(Map<String, Object> map) {
        Log.d(TAG, "successfulHandshake");

    public void failedHandshake(Map<String, Object> map) {
        Log.d(TAG, "failedHandshake");

    public void connectionEstablished() {
        Log.d(TAG, "connectionEstablished");

    public void connectionBroken() {
        Log.d(TAG, "connectionBroken");

    public void connectionClosed() {
        Log.d(TAG, "connectionClosed");

    public void messageLost(String s, Object o) {



Android client for ZetaPush







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