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Benjamin Häublein edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 1 revision

for users

Keyboard shortcuts allow the user to do initiate typical actions using the keyboard.

For using keyboard shortcuts the plugin /js/plugins/keyboardShortcuts.js must be activated in password.php.

At the moment the following shortcuts are implemented:

  • ? shows the help page for keyboard shortcuts
  • / focus the search input
  • a shows the add entry dialog
  • h go to the previous page of the password table
  • l go to the next page of the password table

for developers

Add keyboard shortcuts either directly in the plugin file or add a line similar to the following to your own plugin (which has to be loaded after the keyboardShortcuts plugin):

keyboardShortcuts['98'] = {
    "element":"#pwdlist_next > a", 
    "description": "Got to next page"

This adds a keyboard shortcut for b (ascii-code 98) which initiates a click on the specified element (jQuery selector). The description is shown on the keyboard shortcut help.

Possible actions are

  • modal show a bootstrap modal
  • focus set focus to an element
  • click initiate an onclick event
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