This API wrapper contains function for interacting easily with ZeroBounce India API. More information about ZeroBounce you can find in the official documentation.
Before installing the wrapper, you have to make sure that CMake
is installed on your system. It can be downloaded from here.
You can install by using CMake with FetchContent
. Add the following to your CMakeLists.txt
This will produce the target ZeroBounceIndia
which you can link against the typical way:
target_link_libraries(your_target_name PRIVATE ZeroBounceIndia)
If using Visual Studio Code, you can build the library using CMake
and Cmake Tools
extensions. After the extensions have been installed, you simply open the commands with CTRL + SHIFT + P
and use CMake: Configure
followed by CMake: Build
Alternatively, you can also use the CLI commands in the root directory of your project.
mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build -G "Unix Makefiles"
cmake --build build
You have to make sure that MinGW
is installed on your system. It can be installed following the steps here.
mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build -G "MinGW Makefiles"
cmake --build build
Be aware that the library may require some .dll files (found in the build
directory) in order to work properly in your project.
Include the library in your file:
#include <ZeroBounce/ZeroBounce.h>
Initialize the wrapper with your api key:
ZeroBounce* zb = zero_bounce_get_instance();
zero_bounce_initialize(zb, "<YOUR_API_KEY>");
Then you can use any of the wrapper functions, for example:
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_credits(ZBCreditsResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_credits_response_to_string(&response));
get_credits(zb, on_success_credits, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_api_usage(ZBGetApiUsageResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_get_api_usage_response_to_string(&response));
struct tm start_date;
start_date.tm_year = 118;
start_date.tm_mon = 0;
start_date.tm_mday = 1;
struct tm end_date;
end_date.tm_year = 123;
end_date.tm_mon = 11;
end_date.tm_mday = 12;
get_api_usage(zb, start_date, end_date, on_success_api_usage, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_validate(ZBValidateResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_validate_response_to_string(&response));
char* email = ""; // The email address you want to validate
char* ip_address = ""; // The IP Address the email signed up from (Optional)
validate_email(zb, email, ip_address, on_success_validate, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_validate_batch(ZBValidateBatchResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_validate_batch_response_to_string(&response));
EmailToValidateVector vector = email_to_validate_vector_init();
ZBEmailToValidate email_1 = {"", ""};
email_to_validate_vector_append(&vector, email_1);
ZBEmailToValidate email_2 = {"", ""};
email_to_validate_vector_append(&vector, email_2);
validate_email_batch(zb, vector, on_success_validate_batch, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_activity_data(ZBActivityDataResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_activity_data_response_to_string(&response));
char* email = ""; // Subscriber email address
get_activity_data(zb, email, on_success_activity_data, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_send_file(ZBSendFileResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_send_file_response_to_string(&response));
char* file_path = "<FILE_PATH>"; // The path of the csv or txt file
int email_address_column = 3; // The index of "email" column in the file. Index starts at 1
SendFileOptions options = new_send_file_options(); // Additional options
options.returnUrl = "";
options.firstNameColumn = 4; // The index of "first name" column in the file
options.lastNameColumn = 5; // The index of "last name" column in the file
options.genderColumn = 6; // The index of "gender" column in the file
options.ipAddressColumn = 7; // The index of "IP address" column in the file
options.hasHeaderRow = true; // If this is `true` the first row is considered as table headers
options.removeDuplicate = true; // If this is `true` the duplicate emails will be removed
send_file(zb, file_path, email_address_column, options, on_success_send_file, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_get_file(ZBGetFileResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_get_file_response_to_string(&response));
char* file_id = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API
char* local_download_path = "<FILE_DOWNLOAD_PATH>"; // The location where the downloaded file will be saved
get_file(zb, file_id, local_download_path, on_success_get_file, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_file_status(ZBFileStatusResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_file_status_response_to_string(&response));
char* file_id = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API
file_status(zb, file_id, on_success_file_status, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_delete_file(ZBDeleteFileResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_delete_file_response_to_string(&response));
char* file_id = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API
delete_file(zb, file_id, on_success_delete_file, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_send_file(ZBSendFileResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_send_file_response_to_string(&response));
char* file_path = "<FILE_PATH>"; // The path of the csv or txt file
int email_address_column = 3; // The index of "email" column in the file. Index starts at 1
SendFileOptions options = new_send_file_options(); // Additional options
options.returnUrl = "";
options.hasHeaderRow = true; // If this is `true` the first row is considered as table headers
scoring_send_file(zb, file_path, email_address_column, options, on_success_send_file, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_get_file(ZBGetFileResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_get_file_response_to_string(&response));
char* file_id = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendfile API
char* local_download_path = "<FILE_DOWNLOAD_PATH>"; // The location where the downloaded file will be saved
scoring_get_file(zb, file_id, local_download_path, on_success_get_file, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_file_status(ZBFileStatusResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_file_status_response_to_string(&response));
char* file_id = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendfile API
scoring_file_status(zb, file_id, on_success_file_status, on_error);
void on_error(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_error_response_to_string(&error_response));
void on_success_delete_file(ZBDeleteFileResponse response) {
printf("%s\n\n", zb_delete_file_response_to_string(&response));
char* file_id = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendfile API
scoring_delete_file(zb, file_id, on_success_delete_file, on_error);
void error_callback(ZBErrorResponse error_response) {
char* error_string = concatenate_strings(&(error_response.errors), "");
printf("ERROR: %s\n", error_string);
void on_success_callback(ZBFindEmailResponse response) {
char* result = zb_find_email_response_to_string(&response);
printf("%s\n", result);
// actual method
zb, "", "John", "", "Doe", on_success_callback, error_callback
It is recommended that the development should be done on Linux.
After checking out the repo, build the library then run tests.
You should see an output like this
24 Tests 0 Failures 0 Ignored