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Zero Bounce Python SDK

This SDK contains methods for interacting easily with ZeroBounce API. More information about ZeroBounce you can find in the official documentation.


pip install zerobouncesdk


Import the sdk in your file:

from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce

Initialize the sdk with your api key:

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")


Then you can use any of the SDK methods, for example:

  • Check how many credits you have left on your account
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

response = zero_bounce.get_credits()
print("ZeroBounce get_credits response: " + str(response))
  • Check your API usage for a given period of time
from datetime import datetime
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

start_date = datetime(2019, 8, 1);  # The start date of when you want to view API usage
end_date = datetime(2019, 9, 1);    # The end date of when you want to view API usage

    response = zero_bounce.get_api_usage(start_date, end_date)
    print("ZeroBounce get_api_usage response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce get_api_usage error: " + str(e))
  • Gather insights into your subscribers' overall email engagement
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

email = "";    # Subscriber email address

    response = zero_bounce.get_activity(email)
    print("ZeroBounce get_activity response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce get_activity error: " + str(e))
  • Identify the correct email format when you provide a name and email domain
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

domain = "" # The email domain for which to find the email format
first_name = "John" # The first name of the person whose email format is being searched
middle_name = "Quill" # The middle name of the person whose email format is being searched
last_name = "Doe" # The last name of the person whose email format is being searched

    response = zero_bounce.guess_format(domain, first_name, middle_name, last_name)
    print("ZeroBounce guess format response: " + response)
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce guess format error: " + str(e))
  • Validate an email address
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

email = "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"   # The email address you want to validate
ip_address = ""    # The IP Address the email signed up from (Optional)

    response = zero_bounce.validate(email, ip_address)
    print("ZeroBounce validate response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce validate error: " + str(e))
  • Validate a batch of up to 100 emails at a time
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException, ZBValidateBatchElement

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

email_batch = [
    ZBValidateBatchElement("", ""),
]                   # The batch of emails you want to validate

    response = zero_bounce.validate_batch(email_batch)
    print("ZeroBounce validate_batch response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce validate_batch error: " + str(e))
  • The sendFile API allows user to send a file for bulk email validation
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

file_path = './email_file.csv'  # The csv or txt file
email_address_column = 1        # The index of "email" column in the file. Index starts at 1

return_url = ""

first_name_column = None        # The index of "first name" column in the file
last_name_column = None         # The index of "last name" column in the file
gender_column = None            # The index of "gender" column in the file
ip_address_column = None        # The index of "IP address" column in the file
has_header_row = False          # If the first row from the submitted file is a header row
remove_duplicate = True         # If you want the system to remove duplicate emails

    response = zero_bounce.send_file(
    print("ZeroBounce send_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce send_file error: " + str(e))
  • Check the status of a file uploaded via sendFile method
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

file_id = "<FILE_ID>"       # The returned file ID when calling sendFile API

    response = zero_bounce.file_status(file_id)
    print("ZeroBounce file_status response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce file_status error: " + str(e))
  • The getfile API allows users to get the validation results file for the file been submitted using sendFile API
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

file_id="<FILE_ID>"                         # The returned file ID when calling sendFile API
local_download_path = "./dwnld_file.csv"    # The path where the file will be downloaded

    response = zero_bounce.get_file(file_id, local_download_path)
    print("ZeroBounce get_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce get_file error: " + str(e))
  • Delete the file that was submitted using sendFile API. File can be deleted only when its status is Complete
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

file_id="<FILE_ID>"     # The returned file ID when calling sendFile API

    response = zero_bounce.delete_file(file_id)
    print("ZeroBounce delete_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce delete_file error: " + str(e))

AI Scoring API

  • The scoringSendFile API allows user to send a file for bulk email scoring
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

file_path = './email_file.csv'  # The csv or txt file
email_address_column = 1        # The index of "email" column in the file. Index starts at 1

return_url = ""

has_header_row = False          # If the first row from the submitted file is a header row
remove_duplicate = True         # If you want the system to remove duplicate emails

    response = zero_bounce.scoring_send_file(
    print("ZeroBounce send_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce send_file error: " + str(e))
  • Check the status of a file uploaded via scoringSendFile method
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

file_id = "<FILE_ID>"       # The returned file ID when calling scoringSendFile API

    response = zero_bounce.scoring_file_status(file_id)
    print("ZeroBounce file_status response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce file_status error: " + str(e))
  • The scoring scoringGetFile API allows users to get the validation results file for the file been submitted using scoring scoringSendFile API
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

file_id="<FILE_ID>"                         # The returned file ID when calling scoringSendFile API
local_download_path = "./dwnld_file.csv"    # The path where the file will be downloaded

    response = zero_bounce.scoring_get_file(file_id, local_download_path)
    print("ZeroBounce get_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce get_file error: " + str(e))
  • Delete the file that was submitted using scoringSendFile API. File can be deleted only when its status is Complete
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException

zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")

file_id="<FILE_ID>"     # The returned file ID when calling scoringSendFile API

    response = zero_bounce.scoring_delete_file(file_id)
    print("ZeroBounce delete_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
    print("ZeroBounce delete_file error: " + str(e))