This SDK contains methods for interacting easily with ZeroBounce API. More information about ZeroBounce you can find in the official documentation.
pip install zerobouncesdk
Import the sdk in your file:
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce
Initialize the sdk with your api key:
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
Then you can use any of the SDK methods, for example:
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
response = zero_bounce.get_credits()
print("ZeroBounce get_credits response: " + str(response))
from datetime import datetime
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
start_date = datetime(2019, 8, 1); # The start date of when you want to view API usage
end_date = datetime(2019, 9, 1); # The end date of when you want to view API usage
response = zero_bounce.get_api_usage(start_date, end_date)
print("ZeroBounce get_api_usage response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce get_api_usage error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
email = ""; # Subscriber email address
response = zero_bounce.get_activity(email)
print("ZeroBounce get_activity response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce get_activity error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
domain = "" # The email domain for which to find the email format
first_name = "John" # The first name of the person whose email format is being searched
middle_name = "Quill" # The middle name of the person whose email format is being searched
last_name = "Doe" # The last name of the person whose email format is being searched
response = zero_bounce.guess_format(domain, first_name, middle_name, last_name)
print("ZeroBounce guess format response: " + response)
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce guess format error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
email = "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>" # The email address you want to validate
ip_address = "" # The IP Address the email signed up from (Optional)
response = zero_bounce.validate(email, ip_address)
print("ZeroBounce validate response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce validate error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException, ZBValidateBatchElement
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
email_batch = [
ZBValidateBatchElement("", ""),
] # The batch of emails you want to validate
response = zero_bounce.validate_batch(email_batch)
print("ZeroBounce validate_batch response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce validate_batch error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
file_path = './email_file.csv' # The csv or txt file
email_address_column = 1 # The index of "email" column in the file. Index starts at 1
return_url = ""
first_name_column = None # The index of "first name" column in the file
last_name_column = None # The index of "last name" column in the file
gender_column = None # The index of "gender" column in the file
ip_address_column = None # The index of "IP address" column in the file
has_header_row = False # If the first row from the submitted file is a header row
remove_duplicate = True # If you want the system to remove duplicate emails
response = zero_bounce.send_file(
print("ZeroBounce send_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce send_file error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
file_id = "<FILE_ID>" # The returned file ID when calling sendFile API
response = zero_bounce.file_status(file_id)
print("ZeroBounce file_status response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce file_status error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
file_id="<FILE_ID>" # The returned file ID when calling sendFile API
local_download_path = "./dwnld_file.csv" # The path where the file will be downloaded
response = zero_bounce.get_file(file_id, local_download_path)
print("ZeroBounce get_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce get_file error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
file_id="<FILE_ID>" # The returned file ID when calling sendFile API
response = zero_bounce.delete_file(file_id)
print("ZeroBounce delete_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce delete_file error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
file_path = './email_file.csv' # The csv or txt file
email_address_column = 1 # The index of "email" column in the file. Index starts at 1
return_url = ""
has_header_row = False # If the first row from the submitted file is a header row
remove_duplicate = True # If you want the system to remove duplicate emails
response = zero_bounce.scoring_send_file(
print("ZeroBounce send_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce send_file error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
file_id = "<FILE_ID>" # The returned file ID when calling scoringSendFile API
response = zero_bounce.scoring_file_status(file_id)
print("ZeroBounce file_status response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce file_status error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
file_id="<FILE_ID>" # The returned file ID when calling scoringSendFile API
local_download_path = "./dwnld_file.csv" # The path where the file will be downloaded
response = zero_bounce.scoring_get_file(file_id, local_download_path)
print("ZeroBounce get_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce get_file error: " + str(e))
from zerobouncesdk import ZeroBounce, ZBException
zero_bounce = ZeroBounce("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
file_id="<FILE_ID>" # The returned file ID when calling scoringSendFile API
response = zero_bounce.scoring_delete_file(file_id)
print("ZeroBounce delete_file response: " + str(response))
except ZBException as e:
print("ZeroBounce delete_file error: " + str(e))