This SDK contains methods for interacting easily with ZeroBounce API.
More information about ZeroBounce you can find in the official documentation.
This SDK is built using the Java 11 version.
You can install ZeroBounceSDK by adding the dependency to your gradle file:
implementation ''
Import the sdk in your file:
Initialize the sdk with your api key:
Then you can use any of the SDK methods, for example:
ZeroBounceSDK.validate( "<EMAIL_TO_TEST>", "<OPTIONAL_IP_ADDRESS>", { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "validate rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "validate error: $error") // your implementation } )
val emailsData = listOf( ZBValidateBatchData(email = "", ip = ""), ZBValidateBatchData(email = "", ip = ""), ZBValidateBatchData(email = "", ip = null) ) ZeroBounceSDK.validateBatch( emailsData, { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "validateBatch rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "validateBatch error: $error") // your implementation } )
ZeroBounceSDK.guessFormat( domain = "<DOMAIN_TO_TEST>", responseCallback = { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "guessFormat rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, errorCallback = { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "guessFormat error: $error") // your implementation } )
ZeroBounceSDK.getCredits( { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "getCredits rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "getCredits error: $error") // your implementation } )
// import java.time.LocalDate val startDate = // The start date of when you want to view API usage val endDate = // The end date of when you want to view API usage ZeroBounceSDK.getApiUsage( startDate, endDate, { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "getApiUsage rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "getApiUsage error: $error") // your implementation } )
// import val myFile = File("<FILE_PATH>") // The csv or txt file val emailAddressColumn = 3 // The column index of email address in the file. Index starts at 1 val firstNameColumn = 4 // The column index of first name in the file val lastNameColumn = 5 // The column index of last name in the file val genderColumn = 6 // The column index of gender in the file val ipAddressColumn = 7 // The column index of IP address in the file val hasHeaderRow = true // If this is `true` the first row is considered as table headers val returnUrl = "" ZeroBounceSDK.sendFile( context, file, returnUrl, firstNameColumn, lastNameColumn, genderColumn, ipAddressColumn, hasHeaderRow, { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "sendFile rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "sendFile error: $error") // your implementation }, )
The getFile API allows users to get the validation results file for the file been submitted using sendFile API
val fileId = "<FILE_ID>" // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API ZeroBounceSDK.getFile( context, fileId, { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "getfile rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "getfile error: $error") // your implementation } )
val fileId = "<FILE_ID>" // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API ZeroBounceSDK.fileStatus( context, fileId, { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "fileStatus rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "fileStatus error: $error") // your implementation } )
Delete the file that was submitted using sendFile API. File can be deleted only when its status is
val fileId = "<FILE_ID>" // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API ZeroBounceSDK.deleteFile( context, fileId, { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "deleteFile rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "deleteFile error: $error") // your implementation } )
Gather insights into your subscribers’ overall email engagement. The request returns data regarding opens, clicks, forwards and unsubscribes that have taken place in the past 30, 90, 180 or 365 days.
ZeroBounceSDK.getActivityData( "<EMAIL_TO_TEST>", { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "validate rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "validate error: $error") // your implementation } )
// import val myFile = File("<FILE_PATH>") // The csv or txt file val emailAddressColumn = 3 // The column index of email address in the file. Index starts at 1 val hasHeaderRow = true // If this is `true` the first row is considered as table headers val returnUrl = "" ZeroBounceSDK.scoringSendFile( context, file, emailAddressColumn, returnUrl, hasHeaderRow, { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "scoringSendFile rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "scoringSendFile error: $error") // your implementation } )
The scoringGetFile API allows users to get the validation results file for the file been submitted using scoringSendFile API
val fileId = "<FILE_ID>" // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendFile API ZeroBounceSDK.scoringGetFile( context, fileId, { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "scoringGetFile rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "scoringGetFile error: $error") // your implementation } )
val fileId = "<FILE_ID>" // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendFile API ZeroBounceSDK.scoringFileStatus( context, fileId, { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "scoringFileStatus rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "scoringFileStatus error: $error") // your implementation } )
Delete the file that was submitted using scoring scoringSendFile API. File can be deleted only when its status is
val fileId = "<FILE_ID>" // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendFile API ZeroBounceSDK.scoringDeleteFile( context, fileId, { rsp -> Log.d("MainActivity", "scoringDeleteFile rsp: $rsp") // your implementation }, { error -> Log.e("MainActivity", "scoringDeleteFile error: $error") // your implementation } )
The documentation of the SDK can be generated through a Gradle task. Open the Gradle tab (on the default layout, it should be at the right side of the Android Studio), then go to zero_bounce_sdk > Tasks > documentation and double click on the dokkaHtml task. After it is generated, you can find it in zero_bounce_sdk/build/dokka/html. From there you only have to open the index.html
Every time a new release is created, the CI/CD pipeline will execute and a new artifact will be released on Maven Central. Don't forget to update the version before doing a release! If you ever change the OSSRH login credentials, you'll need to also update the repository variables on Github.
In order to be able to publish to the Nexus repository from you local machine, you'll need to do a few steps:
- Create a/Update the
file, in the project root, like this:## This file must *NOT* be checked into Version Control Systems, # as it contains information specific to your local configuration. # # Location of the SDK. This is only used by Gradle. # For customization when using a Version Control System, please read the # header note. #Mon Mar 20 10:30:40 EET 2023 sdk.dir=<YOUR_ANDROID_SDK_DIR> signing.keyId=<THE_LAST_8_DIGITS_OF_YOUR_GPG_KEY> signing.password=<YOUR_GPG_PASSWORD> signing.key=<YOUR_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY> # newlines must be replaced with the newline character '\n' ossrhUsername=<YOUR_SONATYPE_JIRA_USERNAME> ossrhPassword=<YOUR_SONATYPE_JIRA_PASSWORD> sonatypeStagingProfileId=<YOUR_SONATYPE_STAGING_PROFILE_ID>
- Import the GPG key to your local machine (see below)
If you want to manually publish to the Nexus repository (and then release it to Maven Central), you can use the following commands:
# For publishing to the staging repository
./gradlew publishReleasePublicationToSonatypeRepository
# For closing and releasing the artifact.
./gradlew closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository
Alternatively, you can only execute the first command, then then go to the Nexus Sonatype, login and then open Staging Repositories and click on Refresh. Here you'll see the artifact you just uploaded. In order to publish it, you have to close it and then release it. These actions will take a few minutes to complete. After releasing the artifact, it will take:
- a few hours before you can see it on the Maven Repository and on the Sonatype Search
- 1-3 days before you can see it on the MVN Repository
- Export the keys:
gpg --list-keys # In order to obtain the key hash for the next step gpg --export -a <LAST_8_DIGITS> > public.key gpg --export-secret-key -a <LAST_8_DIGITS> > private key
- Import the keys:
gpg --import public.key gpg --import private.key
- Check that the new keys are imported:
gpg --list-keys gpg --list-secret-keys