Authors: | lilydjwg |
Version: | 1.0 |
Script Type: | syntax |
This is only a mirror of vim script. I created this because the vim-scripts mirror on github doesn't include this plugin.
Simple syntax highlight for RFC (Request For Comments) file. It can highlight the contents, the titles and so on.
A ftplugin is also provided to use <C-]> to jump from the contents or reference note ([1] like things). You can then use <C-t> to go back (once only). <C-o> and `` should work as expected.
unzip the archive to your .vim (or vimfiles) directory. You must add filetype detect by yourself. For example, add:
>if expand('%:t') =~? 'rfcd+' > setfiletype rfc >endif
to your scripts.vim will make Vim recognize all files with name rfcXXXX as RFC file.