This project is to test the use of kubernetes in an AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)
Set kube.config
az account set --subscription "$(az account list --query "[?name == \`Sistemas - Non Production\`].id" -o tsv)"
az aks get-credentials --resource-group rg-sandbox --name aks-citools-sbx-ue
Set context
kubectl config view
kubectl config current-context
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=default
kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace:
./ rg-sandbox aks-citools-sbx-ue
az aks stop \
--resource-group "rg-sandbox" \
--name "aks-citools-sbx-ue" \
az aks start \
--resource-group "rg-sandbox" \
--name "aks-citools-sbx-ue" --no-wait
Get status
az aks show \
--resource-group "rg-sandbox" \
--name "aks-citools-sbx-ue" \
--query "powerState.code" -o tsv
# Get status
az postgres flexible-server show --resource-group "rg-sandbox" --name "psql-wa01-sbx-ue" --query "state"
# Stop
az postgres flexible-server stop --resource-group "rg-sandbox" --name "psql-wa01-sbx-ue"
# Start
az postgres flexible-server start --resource-group "rg-sandbox" --name "psql-wa01-sbx-ue"