A given cell (i, j) in the simulation is accessed on a grid [i][j], where i and j are the row and column indices, respectively. The value of a given cell at a given instant of time depends on the state of its neighbors at the previous time step. Conway’s Game of Life has four rules.
If a cell is alive and has fewer than two neighbors that are alive, it turns dead
If a cell is alive and has either two or three neighbors that are alive, it remains alive.
If a cell is alive and has more than three neighbors that are alive, it turns dead.
If a cell is dead and has exactly three neighbors that are alive, it turns alive.
- Initialize the cells in the grid.
- At each time step in the simulation, for each
cell (i, j) in the grid, do the following:
a. Update the value of cell (i, j) based on its neighbors, taking into account the boundary conditions.
b. Update the display of grid values.