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Meetup Queueing System on a Blockchain

A queueing system on the blockchain for meetups

Table of Contents


To do list

  • Admin rights, create a meetup event
  • Register and deregister user
  • Join and leave an event
  • Add and remove food options, vote for food, find winning food option
  • Implement ERC20 token interface
  • Reward/ deduct tokens
  • Last minute auction - allow people to bid for freed up spots
  • Authenticate users before each event
  • Insurance pool for tokens penalty
  • Borrowing/lending tokens
  • Reward tokens for projects - allow users to submit a github repo
  • Monthly community voting - to decide which gitub repo to award tokens to
  • Distribute award tokens based on number of commits
  • Replace tokens with an ERC20 token (which can only be earned, but not bought)
  • Web frontend
  • App


To allocate meetup spots in a fully transparent manner using smart contracts the ethereum blockchain

Reward people for regular attendance and contribution

Penalise people for late cancellation and no show's

Most importantly, use this project as an opportunity to learn to write a diverse range of smart contracts


BokkyPooBahs-Ethereum-Workshop has become so popular that the available spots often get fully booked out within a few minutes. Since the meetup is about blockchain, why not solving this problem using blockchain?

UI design

  • /: list of meetups
  • /meetups/new: form to create a new meetup
  • /meetups/0x1234: meetup details for meetup at address 0x1234
  • /meetups/0x1234/events: event details for meetup at address 0x1234
  • /meetups/0x1234/events/new: form to create a new event for meetup at address 0x1234

Reasons for using the Ropsten network

  • No transaction cost (ETH can be obtained for free)
  • Low latency if putting a high enough gas price (low latency is important for event entrance and time dependent late cancellations)

Token distribution

  • 100,000,000 total supply
  • 50% issued to new users
  • 30% community reward pool
  • 10% venture capital investors
  • 10% development team incentive

For the 50% issued to new users, reward early adopters using these multipliers

  • User 1 - 100: 10
  • User 101 - 1,000: 8
  • User 1,001 - 10,000: 5
  • User 10,001 - 100,000: 3
  • User 100,001 - 1,000,000: 2
  • User 1,000,001 -10,000,000: 1

Assuming there are 10m verified unique users 10100 + 8900 + 59000 + 390000+2900000 + 19000000 = 11,123,200 units Total tokens for new users: 50%1000000 = 50000000 50000000 / 11123200 = 4.4951 tokens per unit Round down to 4 tokens per unit (so keeping 10% as reserve) So for user 1 - 100, each is issued 410 = 40 tokens For user 101-1000, each is issued 4*8 = 32 tokens etc.


Initial registration

We need to move the meetup account database or a form of identity based on it onto the blockchain.


  • Create a master list of meetup account ID's based on the meetup website
  • Users need to set up a new Ethereum account and get free Ropsten ETH (details to be followed)
  • Users go to the website and register using their meetup account name
  • Users can also deregister them selves in case of mistakes
  • Contract owners can deregister users (e.g. when someone accidentally registers another user's account)

Register for individual meetup events

Accounts are checked against the masterlist

Verification at the door

  • There'll be a smart phone app that users can store their Ethereum public address and present it as QR codes
  • Before each meetup, the organisers will need to use an app to scan users QR codes
  • Only registered people are allowed to enter

Point incentives

Earn tokens (non-event)

  • Every unique account starts with 100 tokens
  • Work on group projects (discretionary, awarded by the meetup owners, maximum 1000 tokens per month)
  • Telegram contribution (sharing resources etc.) (discretionary, awarded by the meetup owners, maximum 1000 tokens per month)

Earn tokens (per event)

  • Organise/assist: +30
  • Presenter: +100
  • Show up: +10

How to lose tokens

  • To participate in events, need to put in a deposit of 50 tokens
  • no show, no cancellation (or cancellation after event start time): -50
  • late penalty:
    • more than 24 hours before the event: 0
    • 12 - 24 hours before the event: -2
    • 6 – 12 hours: -5
    • 3 – 6 hours: -10
    • 0 - 3 hours: -15

Initial Queueing system

  • Based on order of registration
  • If everyone who initially register comes to the event there'll be no auction

Auction system (replacing the waiting list)

  • Spots freed up in the last 24 hours are available for auctions
  • Auction the spots with your tokens
  • Auction starts as spots open up
  • Auction ends 1 hour before the meetup

Replace points with ERC20 tokens

  • Might make it easier to transfer tokens, borrow/lend tokens etc.


  • Issue ERC721 tokens for each meetup event and each spot
  • Receive these tokens when entering the venue
  • Use ERC721 to deomstrate skill level
  • Later on: set up blockchain questions, answer them by submitting a transaction, if the answer is correct, receive an ERC721 token


Vote for

  • Food choice
  • Projects to reward tokens to
  • Proposals

Smart contract design

Contract 1 - meetup base, inherits access control


  • Meetup owner – multip owners, allow transfers
  • Meetup acconts - Array of addresses, mapped to meetup names
  • Array of meetup events (contract addresses)

Meetup event (struct)

  • Organiser
  • Assistants
  • Presnenters
  • Date and time
  • Maximum capacity
  • Late cancellation period


  • Register user
  • Deregister user
  • Create a new meetup event – ownly organiser and assistants can do this
  • Cancel a meetup event – ownly organiser and assistants can do this
  • Register for a meetup event
  • Deregister from a meetup event
  • Enter into last minute auction


Setup Instructions


  • Install Node.js 9.x.x with NVM

Development - Installation and Building

Alternative 1

  • Install Truffle, Ganache CLI ethereum client for local development, and Yarn
npm install -g truffle ganache-cli;
brew install yarn
  • Change into the project directory
cd react-uport/
  • Install the node dependencies.
yarn install
  • Run Ganache CLI.
ganache-cli \
  --port="7545" \
  --mnemonic "obey flight jump bean salt female logic inside sugar case venture media" \
  --verbose \
  --networkId=1000 \
  --gasLimit=7984452 \
  • Compile and migrate the contracts.
truffle compile;
truffle migrate --network development
  • Run Webpack server for front-end hot reloading
    • Note: Smart contract changes must be manually recompiled and migrated.
yarn start
  • Debug (use Truffle Console after starting Ganache CLI in a separate tab)
truffle console
truffle(development)> for (var i in web3.eth.accounts) { console.log(web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.accounts[i])) }

Alternative 2

Go to ganache github and install v1.1.0-beta.1 - Candy Apple

Note: the latest stable release crashes frequently and does not give consistent results


React Components

  • Jest used to test React components using Truffle
truffle compile;
truffle migrate --network development;
yarn test

Smart Contracts

Truffle used to test Smart Contracts

truffle compile;
truffle migrate --network development;
truffle test


yarn build

Next js - used instead of create-react-app to build multipage UI

npm install --save next@4.1.4
npm remove react react-dom
npm install --save react@16 react-dom@16


A queueing system on the blockchain for meetups







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4

