司令官 - A prototype, object-oriented command handler for discordgo.
This is a work-in-progress command handler which shall later replace the current command handler used in shinpuru.
If you are interested how to use this package, see the basic example.
This command handler is strongly inspired by Lukaesebrot's package dgc.
package main
import (
type UsernameMiddleware struct{}
func (m *UsernameMiddleware) Handle(cmd shireikan.Command, ctx shireikan.Context, layer shireikan.MiddlewareLayer) (bool, error) {
ctx.SetObject("username", ctx.GetUser().Username)
return true, nil
func (m *UsernameMiddleware) GetLayer() shireikan.MiddlewareLayer {
return shireikan.LayerBeforeCommand
type HelloCommand struct {
func (c *HelloCommand) GetInvokes() []string {
return []string{"hello", "hey"}
func (c *HelloCommand) GetDescription() string {
return "Greets you or another user!"
func (c *HelloCommand) GetHelp() string {
return "`hello` - greets you\n" +
"`hello <username>` - greets someone else"
func (c *HelloCommand) GetGroup() string {
return shireikan.GroupEtc
func (c *HelloCommand) GetDomainName() string {
return "test.etc.hellp"
func (c *HelloCommand) GetSubPermissionRules() []shireikan.SubPermission {
return nil
func (c *HelloCommand) IsExecutableInDMChannels() bool {
return true
func (c *HelloCommand) Exec(ctx shireikan.Context) error {
var username string
if username = ctx.GetArgs().Get(0).AsString(); username == "" {
// Get username from middleware
username, _ = ctx.GetObject("username").(string)
_, err := ctx.Reply(fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!", username))
return err
func must(err error) {
if err != nil {
func main() {
token := os.Getenv("TOKEN")
session, err := discordgo.New("Bot " + token)
defer func() {
sc := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sc, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
handler := shireikan.New(&shireikan.Config{
GeneralPrefix: "!",
AllowBots: false,
AllowDM: true,
ExecuteOnEdit: true,
InvokeToLower: true,
UseDefaultHelpCommand: true,
OnError: func(ctx shireikan.Context, typ shireikan.ErrorType, err error) {
log.Printf("[ERR] [%d] %s", typ, err.Error())
You can find more complex examples in the examples/
shireikan is used in my own Discord bot shinpuru. Take a look if you want to see a "real world" implementation example. 😉
© 2020-2021 Ringo Hoffmann (zekro Development).
Covered by the MIT Licence.