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1033 lines (693 loc) · 62.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1033 lines (693 loc) · 62.2 KB

v1.1.33 - TBD


  • #1793 server now only dispatch connect/disconnect events in onOpen and onClose. Also upgrade some class members from private to protected, so users can hack them.

v1.1.32 - 2020-05-21


  • #1734 Fixed the bug that the morph association is empty and cannot be queried.
  • #1739 Fixed the wrong bitwise operator in oss hook.
  • #1743 Fixed the wrong refId for grafana.json.
  • #1748 Fixed concurrent.limit does not works when using another pool.
  • #1750 Fixed the incorrent number of current connections when close failed.
  • #1754 Fixed the wrong start info for base server.
  • #1764 Fixed datetime validate failed when the value is null.
  • #1769 Fixed a notice when client initiate disconnects in socketio-server.


  • #1724 Added Model::orWhereHasMorph ,Model::whereDoesntHaveMorph and Model::orWhereDoesntHaveMorph.
  • #1741 Added Hyperf\Command\Command::choiceMultiple(): array method, because the return type of choice method is string, so the methed cannot handle the multiple selections, even though setted $multiple argument.
  • #1742 Added Custom Casts for model.
    • Added interface Castable, CastsAttributes and CastsInboundAttributes.
    • Added Model\Builder::withCasts.
    • Added Model::loadMorph, Model::loadMorphCount and Model::syncAttributes.

v1.1.31 - 2020-05-14


  • #1723 Added filp/whoops integration in hyperf/exception-handler component.
  • #1730 Added shortcut -R of --refresh-fillable for command gen:model.


  • #1696 Fixed Context::copy does not works when use keys.
  • #1708 #1718 Fixed a series of issues for hyperf/socketio-server.


  • #1710 Don't set process title in Darwin OS.

v1.1.30 - 2020-05-07


  • #1616 Added morphWith and whereHasMorph for hyperf/database component.
  • #1651 Added component.
  • #1666 #1669 Added support for AMQP RPC mode.


  • #1682 Fixed the connection pool does not works in JSONRPC pool transporter.
  • #1683 Fixed JSONRPC client connection reset failed, when the connection was closed in context.


  • #1670 Optimized a meaningless redis delete instruction for cache component.

v1.1.28 - 2020-04-30


  • #1645 Added parameter injection support for closure route.
  • #1647 Added Hyperf\ModelCache\Handler\RedisStringHandler for hyperf/model-cache component, store the cache data in string type.
  • #1654 Added Hyperf\View\Exception\RenderException to rethrow render exceptions in view.


  • #1639 Fixed bug that the unhealthy node will be got from consul.
  • #1641 Fixed request exception will be thrown when the JSONRPC result is null.
  • #1641 Fixed service health check does not works for jsonrpc-tcp-length-check protocol.
  • #1650 Fixed bug that command describe:routes will show the wrong list.
  • #1655 Fixed MysqlProcessor::processColumns does not work when the MySQL server is 8.0 version.


  • #1636 Optimized co-phpunit do not broken in coroutine environment, when cases failed.

v1.1.27 - 2020-04-23


  • #1575 Added document of property with relation, scope and attributes.
  • #1586 Added conflict of symfony/event-dispatcher which < 4.3.
  • #1597 Added maxConsumption for amqp consumer.
  • #1603 Added WebSocket Context to save data from the same fd.


  • #1553 Fixed the rpc client do not work, when jsonrpc server register the same service to consul with jsonrpc and jsonrpc-http protocol.
  • #1589 Fixed unsafe file locks in coroutines.
  • #1607 Fixed bug that the return value of function go is not adaptive with swoole.
  • #1624 Fixed describe:routes failed when router handler is Closure.

v1.1.26 - 2020-04-16


  • #1578 Support getStream method in UploadedFile.php.


  • #1603 Added connection level context for hyperf/websocket-server.


  • #1563 Fixed crontab's onOneServer option not resetting mutex on shutdown.
  • #1565 Reset transaction level to zero, when reconnent to mysql server.
  • #1572 Fixed parent class does not exists in Hyperf\GrpcServer\CoreMiddleware.
  • #1577 Fixed describe:routes command's server option not take effect.
  • #1579 Fixed migrate:refresh command's step is int.


  • #1560 Changed functions of file to filesystem for FileSystemDriver in hyperf/cache.
  • #1568 Changed \Redis to RedisProxy for RedisDriver in async-queue.

v1.1.25 - 2020-04-09


  • #1532 Fixed interface 'Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface' not found.

v1.1.24 - 2020-04-09


  • #1501 Bridged Symfony command events to Hyperf event dispatcher.
  • #1502 Added maxAttempts parameter for Hyperf\AsyncQueue\Annotation\AsyncQueueMessage annotation to control the maximum retry time of job.
  • #1510 Added Hyperf/Utils/CoordinatorManager to better handling of graceful start and graceful stop.
  • #1517 Added support lazy-loading over interface inheritance and abstract method inheritance etc.
  • #1529 Handled SameSite property of response cookies.


  • #1494 Ignore @mixin annotation in redis component.
  • #1499 Fixed dynamic parameter does not work after requiring translation for hyperf/constants.
  • #1504 Fixed the proxy client of RPC does not handle the Nullable return type.
  • #1507 Fixed consul catalog register method, modified to PUT from GET.

v1.1.23 - 2020-04-02


  • #1467 Added default configuration for filesystem component.
  • #1469 Added method getHandler() for Hyperf/Guzzle/HandlerStackFactory and use make() function to create the handler instead of new operator when it is possible.
  • #1480 RPC client will generate the methods of inherited interface automatically now.


  • #1471 Fixed data recved failed, when the body is larger than max-output-buffer-size.
  • #1472 Fixed consume failed when publish message in consumer of NSQ.
  • #1474 Fixed the consumer of NSQ will restart when requeue message.
  • #1477 Fixed Invalid argument supplied for Hyperf\Testing\Client::flushContext.


  • #1481 Creating message with make instead of new for async-queue.

v1.1.22 - 2020-03-26


  • #1440 Added config enable of every NSQ connection to control the consumer whether they start automatically.
  • #1451 Added Filesystem component.
  • #1459 Support macroable model, as laravel does.
  • #1463 Added option on_stats for guzzle handler.


  • #1445 Fixed command describe:route missing variable route.
  • #1449 Fixed memory overflow for high cardinality request path.
  • #1454 Fixed flatten() failed, bacause INF is float.
  • #1458 Fixed guzzle handler not support elasticsearch which version is larger than 7.0.


  • #1452 Encourage the use of \Hyperf\Redis\Redis instead of \Redis because of #938.

v1.1.21 - 2020-03-19


  • #1393 Implemented more methods for Hyperf\HttpMessage\Stream\SwooleStream.
  • #1419 Allow config fetcher to start in a coroutine instead of a process.
  • #1424 Allow user modify the session_name by configuration file.
  • #1435 Added config use_default_value for model-cache to correct the cache data with database data automatically.
  • #1436 Added isEnable() for NSQ Consumer to control the consumer whether they start automatically.

v1.1.20 - 2020-03-12


  • #1402 Added Hyperf\DbConnection\Annotation\Transactional annotation to begin a transaction automatically.
  • #1412 Added Hyperf\View\RenderInterface::getContents() method to get the contents of view render directly.
  • #1416 Added Swoole event constant ON_WORKER_ERROR.


  • #1405 Fixed the cached attributes are not right, when the model has property hidden.
  • #1410 Fixed tracer cannot trace the call chains of redis connection that created by Hyperf\Redis\RedisFactory.
  • #1415 Fixed the bug that Aliyun acm client decode sts token failed when optional header SecurityToken is empty.

v1.1.19 - 2020-03-05


  • #1339 #1394 Added describe:routes command to describe the routes information by command.
  • #1354 Added ecs ram authorization for config-aliyun-acm.
  • #1362 Added getPoolNames() method for Hyperf\Pool\SimplePool\PoolFactory.
  • #1371 Added Hyperf\DB\DB::connection() to use the specified connection.


  • #1384 Added option property-case for command gen:model.


  • #1386 Fixed variadic arguments do not work in async message annotation.

v1.1.18 - 2020-02-27


  • #1305 Added pre-made Grafana dashboard for hyperf\metric.
  • #1328 Added ModelRewriteInheritanceVisitor to rewrite the model inheritance for command gen:model.
  • #1331 Added Hyperf\LoadBalancer\LoadBalancerInterface::getNodes().
  • #1335 Added event AfterExecute for command.
  • #1361 Added config of processors for logger.



  • #1305 Optimize edge cases in hyperf\metric.
  • #1322 HTTP Server Handle HEAD request automatically, now will not response the body on HEAD request.'


  • #1303 Deleted useless $httpMethod for Hyperf\RpcServer\Router\Router.


  • #1330 Fixed bug when using (new Parallel())->add($callback, $key) and the parameter $key is a not string index, the returned result will sort $key from 0.
  • #1338 Fixed bug that root settings do not works when the slave servers set their own settings.
  • #1344 Fixed bug that queue length check every time when not set max messages.

v1.1.17 - 2020-01-24


  • #1288 Added driver object into Hyperf\AsyncQueue\Event\QueueLength event as the first parameter
  • #1292 Added Hyperf\Database\Schema\ForeignKeyDefinition for return type of Hyperf\Database\Schema\Blueprint::foreign() method.
  • #1313 Added Command mode support to hyperf\crontab.
  • #1321 Added hyperf/nsq component, NSQ is a realtime distributed messaging platform.


  • #1291 Fixed $_SERVER has lower keys for super-globals.
  • #1302 Fixed JSONRPC reconnect failed, when the node is invalid.
  • #1308 Fixed some missing traslation of validation, like gt, gte, ipv4, ipv6, lt, lte, mimetypes, not_regex, starts_with, uuid.
  • #1310 Fixed register failed because has the exactly same service.
  • #1315 Fixed the missing config variable for Hyperf\AsyncQueue\Process\ConsumerProcess.

v1.1.16 - 2020-01-16


  • #1263 Added Event QueueLength for async-queue.
  • #1276 Added ACL token for Consul client.
  • #1277 Added NoOp Driver to hyperf/metric.


  • #1262 Fixed bug that socket of keepaliveIO always exhausted.
  • #1266 Fixed bug that process does not restart when use timer.
  • #1272 Fixed bug that request id will be checked failed, when the id is null.


  • #1273 Optimized grpc client.
    • gRPC client now automatically reconnects to the server after disconnection.
    • When gRPC client is garbage collected, the connection is automatically closed.
    • Fixed a bug where a closed gRPC client still holds the underlying http2 connection.
    • Fixed a bug where channel pool for gRPC may contain non-empty channels.
    • gRPC client now initializes itself lazily, so it can be used in constructor and container.


v1.1.15 - 2020-01-10


  • #1258 Fixed CRITICAL error that socket of process is unavailable when amqp send heartbeat failed.
  • #1260 Fixed json rpc connection confused.

v1.1.14 - 2020-01-10


  • #1166 Added KeepaliveIO for amqp.
  • #1208 Added exception code to json-rpc response.
  • #1208 Added recv method to Hyperf\Rpc\Contract\TransporterInterface.
  • #1215 Added super-globals component.
  • #1219 Added property enable for amqp consumer, which controls whether consumers should start along with the service.


  • #1208 Fixed bug that exception and error cannot be resolved successfully in TcpServer.
  • #1208 Fixed bug that json-rpc has not validated the request id whether is equal to response id.
  • #1223 Fixed the scanner will missing the packages at require-dev of composer.json
  • #1254 Fixed bash not found on some environment like Alpine when execute


  • #1208 Optimized json-rpc logical.
  • #1174 Adjusted the format of exception printer of Hyperf\Utils\Parallel.
  • #1224 Allows config fetcher of Aliyun ACM parse UTF-8 charater, and fetch configuration once after worker start automatically, also allows pass the configutation to user process.
  • #1235 Release connection after declared for amqp producers.


  • #1227 Upgraded jcchavezs/zipkin-php-opentracing to 0.1.4.

v1.1.13 - 2020-01-03


  • #1137 Added translator for constants.
  • #1165 Added a method route for Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\RequestInterface.
  • #1195 Added max offset for Cacheable and CachePut.
  • #1204 Added insertOrIgnore for database.
  • #1216 Added default value for $data of RenderInterface::render().
  • #1221 Added traceId and spanId of the swoole-tracker component.


  • #1175 Fixed Hyperf\Utils\Collection::random does not works when the number is null.
  • #1199 Fixed variadic arguments do not work in task annotation.
  • #1200 Request path shouldn't include query parameters in hyperf/metric middleware.
  • #1210 Fixed validation size does not works without numeric or integer rules when the type of value is numeric.


  • #1211 Convert app name to valid prometheus namespace.


  • #1217 Replaced zendframework/zend-mime into laminas/laminas-mine.

v1.1.12 - 2019-12-26


  • #1177 Added protocol jsonrpc-tcp-length-check for jsonrpc.


  • #1175 Fixed Hyperf\Utils\Collection::random does not works when the number is null.
  • #1178 Fixed Hyperf\Database\Query\Builder::chunkById does not works when the collection item is array.
  • #1189 Fixed default operator does not works for Hyperf\Utils\Collection::operatorForWhere.


  • #1186 Automatically added default constructor's configuration, when you forgetton to set it.

v1.1.11 - 2019-12-19


  • #849 Added configuration of span tag for tracer component.


  • #1142 Fixed bug that Register::resolveConnection will return null.
  • #1144 Fixed rate-limit config does not works.
  • #1145 Fixed error return value for method CoroutineMemoryDriver::delKey.
  • #1153 Fixed validation rule alpha_num does not works.

v1.1.10 - 2019-12-12


  • #1104 Fixed guzzle will be retried when the response has the correct status code 2xx.
  • #1105 Fixed Retry Component not restoring pipeline stack before retry attempts.
  • #1106 Fixed bug that sticky mode will affect the next request.
  • #1119 Fixed JSONRPC on TCP Server cannot response the expected error response when cannot unpack the data.
  • #1124 Fixed Session middleware does not store the current url correctly when the path of url end with a slash.


  • #1108 Renamed Hyperf\Tracer\Middleware\TraceMiddeware to Hyperf\Tracer\Middleware\TraceMiddleware.
  • #1108 Upgrade the access level of methods and properties of Hyperf\ServiceGovernance\Listener\ServiceRegisterListener , for better override it.

v1.1.9 - 2019-12-05


  • #948 Added Lazy loader to DI.
  • #1044 Added basic_qos for amqp consumer.
  • #1056 #1081 Added define() and set() to Container. Added Hyperf\Contract\ContainerInterface.
  • #1059 Added constructor for job.stub.
  • #1084 Added php 7.4 support.


  • #1049 Fixed Hyperf\Cache\Driver\RedisDriver::clear sometimes fails to delete all caches.
  • #1055 Fixed image extension validation failed.
  • #1085 #1091 Fixed broken retry annotation.


  • #1007 Optimized vendor:: publish return value does not support null.

v1.1.8 - 2019-11-28


  • #965 Added Redis Lua Module.
  • #1023 Added CUSTOM_MODE to hyperf/metric prometheus driver.


  • #1013 Fixed config of JsonRpcPoolTransporter merge failed.
  • #1006 Fixed the order of properties of Model.


  • #1021 Added default port to WebSocket client.


  • #1014 Optimized Command:: execute return value does not support null.
  • #1022 Provided cleaner connection pool error message without implementation details.
  • #1039 Updated the ServerRequest object to context in CoreMiddleware automatically.
  • #1034 The property arguments of Hyperf\Amqp\Builder\Builder not only support array.

v1.1.7 - 2019-11-21


  • #860 Added retry component.
  • #952 Added think template engine for view.
  • #973 Added Hyperf\JsonRpc\JsonRpcPoolTransporter.
  • #976 Added params close_on_destruct for hyperf/amqp.


  • #955 Fixed bug that port and charset do not work for hyperf/db.
  • #956 Fixed bug that RedisHandler::incr fails in cluster mode for model cache.
  • #966 Fixed type error, when use paginator in non-worker process.
  • #968 Fixed aspect does not works when class and annotation exist at the same time.
  • #980 Fixed migrate, save and has methods of Session do not work as expected.
  • #982 Fixed Hyperf\GrpcClient\GrpcClient::yield does not get the correct channel pool.
  • #987 Fixed missing method call parent::configure() of command.stub.


  • #991 Optimized Hyperf\DbConnection\ConnectionResolver::connection.


  • #944 Replaced annotation @Listener and @Process into config which listeners and processes in ConfigProvider.
  • #977 Changed command to only delete the runtime/container directory.

v1.1.6 - 2019-11-14


  • #827 Added a simple db component.
  • #905 Added twig template engine for view.
  • #911 Added support for crontab task run on one server.
  • #913 Added Hyperf\ExceptionHandler\Listener\ErrorExceptionHandler.
  • #931 Added strict_mode for config-apollo.
  • #933 Added plates template engine for view.
  • #937 Added consume events for nats.
  • #941 Added an zookeeper adapter for Hyperf config component.


  • #897 Fixed connection pool of Hyperf\Nats\Annotation\Consumer does not works as expected.
  • #901 Fixed Annotation Factory does not works for GraphQL.
  • #903 Fixed execute init-proxy command can not stop when hyperf/rpc-client component exists.
  • #904 Fixed the hooked I/O request does not works in the listener that listening Hyperf\Framework\Event\BeforeMainServerStart event.
  • #906 Fixed port property of URI of Hyperf\HttpMessage\Server\Request.
  • #907 Fixed the expire time is double of the config for requestSync in nats.
  • #909 Fixed a issue that causes staled parallel execution.
  • #925 Fixed the dead cycle caused by socket closed.
  • #932 Fixed Translator::setLocale does not works in coroutine evnironment.
  • #940 Fixed WebSocketClient::push TypeError, expects integer, but boolean given.


  • #907 Optimized nats consumer process restart frequently.
  • #928 Optimized Hyperf\ModelCache\Cacheable::query to delete the model cache when batch update
  • #936 Optimized increment to atomic operation for model-cache.


  • #934 WaitGroup inherit \Swoole\Coroutine\WaitGroup.

v1.1.5 - 2019-11-07


  • #812 Added singleton crontab task support.
  • #820 Added nats component.
  • #832 Added Hyperf\Utils\Codec\Json.
  • #833 Added Hyperf\Utils\Backoff.
  • #852 Added a clear() method for Hyperf\Utils\Parallel to clear added callbacks.
  • #854 Added GraphQLMiddleware.
  • #859 Added Consul cluster mode support, now available to fetch the service information from Consul cluster.
  • #873 Added redis cluster.


  • #831 Fixed Redis client can not reconnect the server after the Redis server restarted.
  • #835 Fixed Request::inputs default value does not works.
  • #841 Fixed migration does not take effect under multiple data sources.
  • #844 Fixed the reader of composer.json does not support the root namespace.
  • #846 Fixed scan hScan zScan and sScan don't works for Redis.
  • #850 Fixed logger group does not works when the name is same.


  • #832 Optimized that response will throw a exception when json format failed.
  • #840 Use \Swoole\Timer::* to instead of swoole_timer_* functions.
  • #859 Optimized the logical of fetch health nodes infomation from consul.

v1.1.4 - 2019-10-31


  • #778 Added PUT and DELETE for Hyperf\Testing\Client.
  • #784 Add Metric Component
  • #795 Added restartInterval for AbstractProcess.
  • #804 Added BeforeHandle AfterHandle and FailToHandle for command.


  • #779 Fixed bug that JPG file cannot be verified.
  • #787 Fixed bug that "--class" option does not exist.
  • #795 Fixed process not restart when throw an exception.
  • #796 Fixed config_etcd.enable does not works.


  • #781 Publish validation language package according to translation setting.
  • #796 Don't remake HandlerStack for etcd.
  • #797 Use channel to communicate, instead of sharing mem


  • #793 Changed protected to public for Pool::getConnectionsInChannel.
  • #811 Command di:init-proxy does not clear the runtime cache, If you want to delete them, use vendor/bin/ instead.

v1.1.3 - 2019-10-24


  • #745 Added option with-comments for command gen:model.
  • #747 Added AfterConsume,BeforeConsume,FailToConsume events for AMQP consumer.
  • #762 Add concurrent for parallel.


  • #741 Fixed db:seed without filename.
  • #748 Fixed bug that SymfonyNormalizer not denormalize result of type array.
  • #769 Fixed invalid response exception throwed when result/error of jsonrpc response is null.


  • #767 Renamed property running to listening for AbstractProcess.

v1.1.2 - 2019-10-17


  • #722 Added config concurrent.limit for AMQP consumer.


  • #678 Added ignore-tables for gen:model, and ignore migrations table, and migrations table will not generate when execute the gen:model command.
  • #729 Renamed config db:model to gen:model.


  • #678 Added ignore-tables for gen:model, and ignore migrations table.
  • #694 Fixed validationData method of Hyperf\Validation\Request\FormRequest does not contains the uploaded files.
  • #700 Fixed the download method of Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\ResponseInterface does not works as expected.
  • #701 Fixed the custom process will not restart automatically when throw an uncaptured exception.
  • #704 Fixed bug that Call to a member function getName() on null in Hyperf\Validation\Middleware\ValidationMiddleware when the argument of action method does not define the argument type.
  • #713 Fixed ignoreAnnotations does not works when cache is used.
  • #717 Fixed the validator will be created repeatedly in getValidatorInstance.
  • #724 Fixed db:seed command without database selected.
  • #737 Fixed custom process does not enable for tracer.

v1.1.1 - 2019-10-08


  • #664 Changed the default return value of FormRequest::authorize which generate via gen:request command.
  • #665 Fixed framework will generate proxy class of all classes that in app directory every time.
  • #667 Fixed trying to get property 'callback' of non-object in Hyperf\Validation\Middleware\ValidationMiddleware.
  • #672 Fixed Hyperf\Validation\Middleware\ValidationMiddleware will throw an unexpected exception when the action method has defined a non-object parameter.
  • #674 Fixed the table of Model is not correct when using gen:model.

v1.1.0 - 2019-10-08


  • #401 Optimized server and fixed middleware that user defined does not works.
  • #402 Added Annotation @AsyncQueueMessage.
  • #418 Allows send WebSocket message to any fd in current server, even the worker process does not hold the fd
  • #420 Added listener for model.
  • #429 #643 Added validation component, a component similar to illuminate/validation.
  • #441 Automatically close the spare redis client when it is used in low frequency.
  • #478 Adopt opentracing interfaces and support Jaeger.
  • #500 Added fluent method calls of Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\ResponseInterface.
  • #523 Added option table-mapping for command db:model.
  • #555 Added global function swoole_hook_flags to get the hook flags by constant SWOOLE_HOOK_FLAGS, and you could define in bin/hyperf.php via ! defined('SWOOLE_HOOK_FLAGS') && define('SWOOLE_HOOK_FLAGS', SWOOLE_HOOK_ALL); to define the constant.
  • #596 #658 Added required parameter for @Inject, if you define @Inject(required=false) annotation to a property, therefore the DI container will not throw an Hyperf\Di\Exception\NotFoundException when the dependency of the property does not exists, the default value of required parameter is true. In constructor injection mode, you could define the default value of the parameter of the __construct to null or define the parameter as a nullable parameter , this means this parameter is nullable and will not throw the exception too.
  • #597 Added concurrent for async-queue.
  • #599 Allows set the retry seconds according to attempt times of async queue consumer.
  • #619 Added HandlerStackFactory of guzzle.
  • #620 Add automatic restart mechanism for consumer of async queue.
  • #629 Allows to modify the clientIp, pullTimeout, intervalTimeout of Apollo client via config file.
  • #648 Added nack return type of AMQP consumer, the abstract consumer will execute basic_nack method when the message handler return a Hyperf\Amqp\Result::NACK.
  • #654 Added all Swoole events and abstract hyperf events.


  • #437 Changed Hyperf\Testing\Client handle exception handlers instead of throw an exception directly.
  • #463 Simplify container.php and improve annotation caching mechanism.



use Hyperf\Di\Container;
use Hyperf\Di\Definition\DefinitionSourceFactory;
use Hyperf\Utils\ApplicationContext;

$container = new Container((new DefinitionSourceFactory(true))());

if (! $container instanceof \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface) {
    throw new RuntimeException('The dependency injection container is invalid.');
return ApplicationContext::setContainer($container);
  • #486 Changed getParsedBody of Request is available to return JSON formatted data normally.
  • #523 The command db:model will generate the singular class name of an plural table as default.
  • #614 #617 Changed the structure of config provider, also moved config/dependencies.php to config/autoload/dependencies.php, also you could place dependencies into config/config.php.

Changed the structure of config provider:

'scan' => [
    'paths' => [
    'collectors' => [],


'annotations' => [
    'scan' => [
        'paths' => [
        'collectors' => [],
  • #630 Changed the way to instantiate Hyperf\HttpServer\CoreMiddleware, use make() instead of new.
  • #631 Changed the way to instantiate AMQP Consumer, use make() instead of new.
  • #637 Changed the argument 1 of Hyperf\Contract\OnMessageInterface and Hyperf\Contract\OnOpenInterface, use Swoole\WebSocket\Server instead of Swoole\Server.
  • #638 Renamed command db:model to gen:model and added rewrite connection name visitor.


  • #401 Deleted class Hyperf\JsonRpc\HttpServerFactory, Hyperf\HttpServer\ServerFactory, Hyperf\GrpcServer\ServerFactory.
  • #402 Deleted deprecated method AsyncQueue::delay.
  • #563 Deleted deprecated constants Hyperf\Server\ServerInterface::SERVER_TCP, use Hyperf\Server\ServerInterface::SERVER_BASE to instead of it.
  • #602 Removed timeout property of Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine\Concurrent.
  • #612 Deleted useless $url for RingPHP Handlers.
  • #616 #618 Deleted useless code of guzzle.


  • #644 Optimized annotation scan process, separate to two scan parts app and vendor, greatly decrease the elapsed time.
  • #653 Optimized the detect logical of swoole shortname.


  • #448 Fixed TCP Server does not works when HTTP Server or WebSocket Server exists.
  • #623 Fixed the argument value will be replaced by default value when pass a null to the method of proxy class.
  • #647 Append eof to TCP response, according to the server configuration.


  • #636 Fixed http client with pool handler may be used by different coroutine at the same time.

v1.0.17 - 2019-10-08


  • #636 Fixed http client with pool handler may be used by different coroutine at the same time.

v1.0.16 - 2019-09-20


  • #565 Added options config for redis.
  • #580 Added coroutine concurrency control features.


  • #564 Fixed typehint error, when Coroutine\Http2\Client->send failed.
  • #567 Fixed rpc-client getReturnType failed, when the name is not equal of service.
  • #571 Fixed the next request will be effected after using stopPropagation.
  • #579 Dynamic init snowflake meta data, fixed the problem that when using snowflake in command mode (e.g. di:init-proxy) will connect to redis server and wait timeout.


  • #583 Throw GrpcClientException, when BaseClient::start failed.
  • #585 Throw exception when execute failed in task worker.

v1.0.15 - 2019-09-11


  • #534 Fixed Guzzle HTTP Client does not handle the response status is equal to -3;
  • #541 Fixed bug grpc client cannot be set correctly.
  • #542 Fixed Hyperf\Grpc\Parser::parseResponse returns a non-standard error code for grpc.
  • #551 Fixed infinite loop in grpc client when the server closed the connection.
  • #558 Fixed UDP Server does not works.


  • #545 Deleted useless static methods restoring and restored of trait SoftDeletes.


  • #549 Optimized read and write of Hyperf\Amqp\Connection\SwooleIO.
  • #559 Optimized redirect of Hyperf\HttpServer\Response.
  • #560 Optimized class Hyperf\WebSocketServer\CoreMiddleware.


  • #558 Marked Hyperf\Server\ServerInterface::SERVER_TCP as deprecated, will be removed in v1.1.

v1.0.14 - 2019-09-05


  • #389 #419 #432 #524 #531 Added snowflake component, snowflake is a distributed global unique ID generation algorithm put forward by Twitter, this component implemented this algorithm for easy to use.
  • #525 Added download() method of Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\ResponseInterface.


  • #482 Re-generate the fillable argument of Model when use refresh-fillable option, at the same time, the command will keep the fillable argument as default behaviours.
  • #501 When the path argument of Mapping annotation is an empty string, then the path is equal to prefix of Controller annotation.
  • #513 Rewrite process name with app_name.
  • #508 #526 When execute Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine::parentId() static method in non-coroutine context will return null.


  • #479 Fixed typehint error when host of Elasticsearch client does not reached.
  • #514 Fixed redis auth failed when the password is an empty string.
  • #527 Fixed translator cannot translate repeatedly.

v1.0.13 - 2019-08-28


  • #428 Added an independent component hyperf/translation, forked by illuminate/translation.
  • #449 Added standard error code for grpc-server.
  • #450 Added comments of static methods for Hyperf\Database\Schema\Schema.


  • #451 Removed routes of magic methods from AuthController.
  • #468 Default exception handlers catch all exceptions.


  • #466 Fixed error when the number of data is not enough to paginate.
  • #466 Optimized vendor:publish command, if the destination folder exists, then will not repeatedly create the folder.

v1.0.12 - 2019-08-21


  • #405 Added Context::override() method.
  • #415 Added handlers configuration for logger, now you could config multiple handlers to logger.


  • #431 The third parameter of Hyperf\GrpcClient\GrpcClient::openStream() have been removed.


  • #414 Fixed WebSocketExceptionHandler typo
  • #424 Fixed proxy configuration of Hyperf\Guzzle\CoroutineHandler does not support array parameter.
  • #430 Fixed file() method of Request will threw an exception, when upload files with same name of form.
  • #431 Fixed missing parameters of the grpc request.


  • #425 Marked Hyperf\HttpServer\HttpServerFactory, Hyperf\JsonRpc\HttpServerFactory, Hyperf\JsonRpc\TcpServerFactory as deprecated, will be removed in v1.1.

v1.0.11 - 2019-08-15


  • #366 Added Hyperf\Server\Listener\InitProcessTitleListener to init th process name, also added Hyperf\Framework\Event\OnStart and Hyperf\Framework\Event\OnManagerStart events.
  • #389 Added Snowflake component.


  • #361 Fixed command db:model does not works in MySQL 8.
  • #369 Fixed the exception which implemented \Serializable, call serialize() and unserialize() functions failed.
  • #384 Fixed the ExceptionHandler that user defined does not works, because the framework has handled the exception automatically.
  • #370 Fixed set the error type client to Hyperf\GrpcClient\BaseClient, and added default content-type application/grpc+proto to the Request object, also allows the grpc client that user-defined to override the buildRequest() method to create a new Request object.


  • #356 #390 Optimized aysnc-queue when push a job that implemented Hyperf\Contract\CompressInterface, will compress the job to a small object automatically.
  • #358 Only write the annotation cache file when $enableCache is true.
  • #359 #390 Added compression ability for Collection and Model, if the object implemented Hyperf\Contract\CompressInterface, then the object could compress to a small one by call compress method.

v1.0.10 - 2019-08-09


  • #321 Adding custom object types of array support for the Controller/RequestHandler parameter of HTTP Server, especially for JSON RPC HTTP Server, now you can get support for auto-deserialization of objects by defining @var Object[] on the method.
  • #324 Added NodeRequestIdGenerator, an implementation of Hyperf\Contract\IdGeneratorInterface
  • #336 Added Dynamic Proxy RPC Client.
  • #346 #348 Added filesystem driver for hyperf/cache.


  • #330 Hidden the scan message of DI when $paths is empty.
  • #328 Added support for user defined project path according to the rules defined by composer.json's psr-4 autoload.
  • #329 Optimized exception handler of rpc-server and json-rpc component.
  • #340 Added support for make function accept index-based array as parameters.
  • #349 Renamed the class name below, fixed the typo.
Before After
Hyperf\Database\Commands\Ast\ModelUpdateVistor Hyperf\Database\Commands\Ast\ModelUpdateVisitor
Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProxyClassNameVistor Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProxyClassNameVisitor
Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProxyCallVistor Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProxyCallVisitor


  • #325 Fixed check the service registration status via consul services more than one times.
  • #332 Fixed type error in Hyperf\Tracer\Middleware\TraceMiddeware, only appears in openzipkin/zipkin v1.3.3+.
  • #333 Fixed Redis::delete() method has been removed in redis 5.0+.
  • #334 Fixed the configuration fetch from aliyun acm is not work expected in some case.
  • #337 Fixed the server will return 500 Response when the key of header is not a string.
  • #338 Fixed the problem of ProviderConfig::load will convert a string to a array when the dependencies has the same key in deep merging.

v1.0.9 - 2019-08-03


  • #317 Added composer-json-fixer and Optimized composer.json. @wenbinye
  • #320 DI added support for closure definition.


  • #300 Let message queues run in sub-coroutines. Fixed async queue attempts twice to handle message, but only once actually.
  • #305 Fixed $key of method Arr::set not support int and null.
  • #312 Fixed amqp process collect listener will be handled later than the process boot listener.
  • #315 Fixed config etcd center not work after worker restart or in user process.
  • #318 Fixed service will register to service center ceaselessly.


  • #323 Force convert type of $ttl in annotation Cacheable and CachePut into int.

v1.0.8 - 2019-07-31


  • #276 Amqp consumer support multi routing_key.
  • #277 Added etcd client and etcd config center.


  • #297 If register service failed, then sleep 10s and re-register, also hided the useless exception message when register service failed.
  • #298 #301 Adapted openzipkin/zipkin v1.3.3+


  • #271 Fixed aop only rewrite the first method in classes and method patten is not work.
  • #285 Fixed anonymous class should not rewrite in proxy class.
  • #286 Fixed not auto rollback when forgotten to commit or rollback in multi transactions.
  • #292 Fixed $default is not work in method Request::header.
  • #293 Fixed $key of method Arr::get not support int and null.

v1.0.7 - 2019-07-26


  • #266 Fixed timeout when produce a amqp message.
  • #273 Fixed all services have been registered to Consul will be deleted by the last register action.
  • #274 Fixed the content type of view response.

v1.0.6 - 2019-07-24


  • #203 #236 #247 #252 Added View component, support for Blade engine and Smarty engine.
  • #203 Added support for Swoole Task mechanism.
  • #245 Added TaskWorkerStrategy and WorkerStrategy crontab strategies.
  • #251 Added coroutine memory driver for cache.
  • #254 Added support for array value of RequestMapping::$methods, @RequestMapping(methods={"GET"}) and @RequestMapping(methods={RequestMapping::GET}) are available now.
  • #255 Transfer Hyperf\Utils\Contracts\Arrayable result of Request to Response automatically, and added text/plain content-type header for string Response.
  • #256 If Hyperf\Contract\IdGeneratorInterface exist, the json-rpc client will generate a Request ID via IdGenerator automatically, and stored in Request attibute. Also added support for service register and health checks of jsonrpc TCP protocol.


  • #247 Use WorkerStrategy as the default crontab strategy.
  • #256 Optimized error handling of json-rpc, server will response a standard json-rpc error object when the rpc method does not exist.


  • #235 Added default exception handler for grpc-server and optimized code.
  • #240 Fixed OnPipeMessage event will be dispatch by another listener.
  • #257 Fixed cannot get the Internal IP in some special environment.

v1.0.5 - 2019-07-17


  • #185 #224 Added support for xml format of response.
  • #202 Added trace message when throw a uncaptured exception in function go.
  • #138 #197 Added crontab component.


  • #195 Changed the behavior of parameter $times of retry() function, means the retry times of the callable function.
  • #198 Optimized has() method of Hyperf\Di\Container, if pass a un-instantiable object (like an interface) to $container->has($interface), the method result is false now.
  • #199 Re-produce one times when the amqp message produce failure.
  • #200 Make tests directory out of production package.


  • #176 Fixed TypeError: Return value of LengthAwarePaginator::nextPageUrl() must be of the type string or null, none returned.
  • #188 Fixed proxy of guzzle client does not work expected.
  • #211 Fixed rpc client will be replaced by the latest one.
  • #212 Fixed config ssl_key and cert of guzzle client does not work expected.

v1.0.4 - 2019-07-08


  • #140 Support Swoole v4.4.0.
  • #163 Added custom arguments support to AbstractConstants::__callStatic in hyperf/constants.


  • #124 Added $delay parameter for DriverInterface::push, and marked DriverInterface::delay method to deprecated.
  • #125 Changed the default value of parameter $default of config() function to null.


  • #110 #111 Fixed Redis::select is not work expected.
  • #131 Fixed property middlewares not work in Router::addGroup.
  • #132 Fixed request->hasFile does not work expected.
  • #135 Fixed response->redirect does not work expected.
  • #139 Fixed the BaseUri of ConsulAgent will be replaced by default BaseUri.
  • #148 Fixed cannot generate the migration when migrates directory does not exist.
  • #152 Fixed db connection will not be closed when a low use frequency.
  • #169 Fixed array parse failed when handle http request.
  • #170 Fixed websocket server interrupt when request a not exist route.


  • #131 Removed server property from Router options.

v1.0.3 - 2019-07-02


  • #48 Added WebSocket Client.
  • #51 Added property enableCache to DefinitionSource to enable annotation cache.
  • #61 Added property type of Model created by command db:model.
  • #65 Added JSON support for model-cache.
  • Added WebSocket Server.


  • #46 Removed hyperf/framework requirement of hyperf/di, hyperf/command and hyperf/dispatcher.


  • #45 Fixed http server start failed, when the skeleton included hyperf/websocket-server.
  • #55 Fixed the method level middleware annotation.
  • #73 Fixed short name is not work for db:model.
  • #88 Fixed prefix is not right in deep directory.
  • #101 Fixed constants resolution failed when no message annotation exists.

v1.0.2 - 2019-06-25


  • #25 Added Travis CI.
  • #29 Added some paramater of Redis::connect.


  • Fixed http server will be affected of websocket server.
  • Fixed proxy class
  • Fixed database pool will be fulled in testing.
  • Fixed co-phpunit work not expected.
  • Fixed model event creating, updating ... not work expected.
  • Fixed flushContext not work expected for testing.