Share data between controllers
- AngularJS : Initialize service with asynchronous data
- [ui-router resume preventedEvent] (
- Cross platform JavaScript with Browserify – Sharing Code Between Node.js and the Browser
- Getting Started with Browserify
- JavaScript Module Pattern: In-Depth
- JavaScript design pattern: difference between module pattern and revealing module pattern?
- Here is a one-page example of two controllers sharing service data:
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="project">
<title>Angular: Service example</title>
<script src=""></script>
var projectModule = angular.module('project',[]);
projectModule.factory('theService', function() {
return {
thing : {
x : 100
function FirstCtrl($scope, theService) {
$scope.thing = theService.thing;
$ = "First Controller";
function SecondCtrl($scope, theService) {
$scope.someThing = theService.thing;
$ = "Second Controller!";
<div ng-controller="FirstCtrl">
<input ng-model="thing.x"/>
<div ng-controller="SecondCtrl">
<input ng-model="someThing.x"/>
Also here: