Code and data for the paper "The Lab vs The Crowd: An Investigation into DataQuality for Neural Dialogue Models", accepted at the NeurIPS 2020 workshop on Human-in-the-Loop Dialogue Systems.
The code is written in Python 3.6.
# 1. Clone repo
git clone && cd TheLabVsTheCrowd
# 2. Create virtual env
python3.6 -m venv .venv
# 3. Activate it
source .venv/bin/activate
# 4. Install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
# 5. Set permissions
chmod +x src/python/*.sh
It was developed and run in Ubuntu 18.04 with Tensorflow-GPU 1.14 and CUDA 10.2 (driver version 440). Anaconda may be more suitable if using a different configuration.
- in-lab: data colleced in lab
- lab: partitioning for experiments with lab data
- mturk: data collected on mturk
- mturk_full: partitioning for experiements with the full mturk dataset (147 dialogues)
- mturk_partial: partitioning for experiments with the partial mturk dataset (63 dialogues)
- mturk_tested_on_lab: partitioning for the experiments where mturk is used for training and lab for testing
- todbert_data: data formateed to be used with the ToD-BERT code
The script to execute is src/python/
./ <train_dir:lab|mturk_full|mturk_partial|mturk_tested_on_lab> <path_to_embeddings> <test_dir:lab>
Google News embeddigns can be downloaded from here.
The script to execute is src/python/
./ <train|eval> <lab|mturk_full|mturk_partial>
The script to execute is src/python/
./ <train|eval> mturk_tested_on_lab <number_of_runs> ../../data/in-lab/
- train: does not compute perplexity
- eval: uses an n-gram model for dialogue acts to compute the dialogue state sequence perplexity