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Table of Contents

  1. About
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Getting Started with this Template
  4. Tips to writing a good CV


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS----------------------------------------- USA STEM CV Template This template has been adapted from a template created by Christophe Roger (Darwiin). The further edits were made to make a more academic CV by USA standards include letter size and various sections.

Tips on what to include at the bottom of this document.

Awesome Source CV Example


Awesome Source Latex CV is based on a CV template created by Alessandro Plasmati. The original template use XeLaTeX engine and Fontin Sans font.

More informations about the original Alessandro Plasmati template can be found here :

Personal data has moved on top of the first page just before the position and Fontin Sans font has been replaced by Source Sans Pro Font from Adobe. Font Awesome icons are used to highlight important elements.

Unlike Alessandro Plasmati CV template, all layout stuff in Awesome Source Latex CV has moved in the Latex class file awesome-source-cv.cls.


You can edit online Awesome Source Latex CV on Overleaf. Feel free to use my referal link if you want to create your account.

How to use Awesome Source CV latex class

Construct the header

Outside of the \socialinfo wrapper you have to define the mandatory parameters \name and \tagline.

% Define author's name
% Usage: \name{<firstname>}{<lastname>}
% Mandatory

% Define author's photo (optional)
% Usage \photo{<diameter>}{<photo>}

% Define author's tagline
% Usage: \tagline{<tag line>} 
% Mandatory
\tagline{Chef de projet IT}

Most social network have their command to render a clickable link or a simple text entry.

% Render author's linked-in (optional)
% Usage: \linkedin{<linked-in-nick>}

% Render author's viadeo(optional)
% Usage: \viadeo{<viadeo-nick>}

% Render author's github (optional)
% Usage: \github{<github-nick>}

% Render author's email (optional)
% Usage: \email{<email adress>}

Put these command in the \socialinfo wrapper. Feel free to add \\ when you want to force a new line.

  \smartphone{+687 123 456}
  \address{2 Rue du quartier, 98765 Ville, Pays}\\
  \infos{Né le 23 septembre 1982 (34 ans) à Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie}

Use the \makecvheadercommand to generate the header.


Construct the experiences section

To describe your experiences you have first to declare the experiences environment

% Begin a new experiences environment to use experience and consultantexperience macro

% Here's go your experiences


Then you can describe your experiences using \experience and \consultantexperience entries. Each entry must be separated by the \emptyseparator

% Begin a new experiences environment to use experience and consultantexperience macro

% The experience entry work as below and can be used to describe a job experience
    {End date}      {Experience title}{Enterprise}{Country}
    {Begin date}    {
    				  experience details
                        \item Item 1: _Item 1 description_
                        \item Item 2: _Item 2 description_
                        \item Item 3: _Item 3 description_
                    {Technology highlights}

% The emptyseparator macro is used to create white space in your experience

% The consultantexperience macro is very similar to the experience macro, but offer you 
% the possibility tu put client details
    {End date}        {Experience title}{Enterprise}{Country}
    {Begin date}      {Client job title}{Clent enterprise}
                      experience details
                        \item Item 1: _Item 1 description_
                        \item Item 2: _Item 2 description_
                        \item Item 3: _Item 3 description_
                    {Technology highlights}


Latex class file awesome-source-cv.cls is published under the term of the LPPL Version 1.3c.

All content files are published under the term of the CC BY-SA 4.0 License.

TIPS to making a good CV / Sections to include---------

Do's Research and Teaching Interests Education Professional / Academic positions can separate Publications / Posters / Presentations Awards Contact Info Include current project and publications in progress Teaching experience / tutoring / mentoring Grants / Contributions to research grant writing Professional initiative / outreach / professional service (creating events not being in a group) Possible include references Can include coursework but drop after time

Dont Include DOB / marital status misleading info holes in time headshot do not overinflate

SECTIONS CONTACT INFORMATION: phome, email, webpage url, address EDUCATION: Degrees and certs since end of high school CERTIFICATIONS: Courseera / EdX / Rackham etc AWARDS: Fellowships, grants, awards in general etc PROFESSIONAL and ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: grad researcher, internship, industry jobs RESEARCH STATEMENT: research interests / experience < 6 lines PUBLICATIONS:

  • divide in journal vs conference
  • peer reviewed or not
  • do not mislead: show the complete authors' list
  • you can clarify the practice in your discipline
  • "Accepted for publication" manuscripts go here Could report:
    • Acceptance rates, and impact factors
    • Audience sizes WORKS IN PROGRESS
  • Papers /scholarly work you are working on, but has not been accepted yet PRESENTATIONS AND POSTERS PATENTS / PATENTS APPLICATIONS GRANTS? MENTORING
  • Undergraduates / junior students TEACHING EXPERIENCE
  • Graduate instructor, grading
  • Teaching evaluations?
  • can include tutoring
  • pedagogy statement? (<6 lines)
  • guest lecturing PROFESSIONAL SERVICE
  • Reviewed Papers
  • contributed to research grant proposals
  • officer ina student group in your discipline or beyond
  • could split within/outside university OUTREACH
  • Activities to engage people in your discipline who are not usually exposed to it PRESS? PROFESSTIONAL SOCIETIES MENTORING COMMUNITY SERVICE

LAYOUT < 3 colors Easy to find headers full width for content if possible


A Latex source of my CV (resume)







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