get document info from pubmedapi if PMID is known
Asks pubmedid from user, prints document info
you may get if you query more than 3 per second "{"error":"/lbsm/eutils_lb -> Neg","api-key":"","type":"ip", "status":"ok"}" to be able to query limit to 10 per second you must get an api which is freely available, please read:
There are both php and javascript code to fetch from publons api. it will be wise to use an api-key for php code at line:
javascript code works from browser, so api-key maynot be necessary. Also your api key must not be visible on other users web browser
you can try those pmid's, some are challenging
35459526 34890845 34282107 35704743 35676203
35079782 35621247 35607918 35791302 35697858 35695908 35639050 35695134
35666833 // difficult for finding real doi
35599042 // difficult for finding real doi
34815173 35277345 35652880 35653776 35642295 35636973 35604621
555757 // for testing publication year, difficult for javascipt routine
35653776 // for testing abstracts including bold tags, difficult for javascript routine: some text
32120362 , 24251359 // difficult for authorlist-for javascipt
31258358 // difficult for substring tag for javascript
25735358 // difficult, because doi is in ArticleId instead of ELocationID
to-do: Some of the abstracts may be incomplete. It seems not so important.