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Arduino library for creating and manipulating matrices of arbitrary size and data type. The library provides a Matrix class that can be used to create matrices, perform basic matrix operations


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Get Started

 // 1  
 int arr[2][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};
 Matrix<2,3,int> M1(arr);
 // 2
 int arr[] = {1.6, 2.2, 3.9 , 4.7, 5.3, 6.8};
 Matrix<2,3,float> M2(arr);
 // 3
 Matrix<5,5,int> // A 5x5 Matrix filled by zeros

Print to the terminal


Acces And Set Data

Mehode Acces Set
1 M[i][j] M[i][j]=4
2 M(i,j) M(i,j)=4

Static Methodes

  int r=2,c=3;
  Matrix<r, c> Z = Matrix<r, c>::Zeros();
  Matrix<r, c> O = Matrix<r, c>::Ones();
  Matrix<3> Id = Matrix<3>::Id();
  Matrix<4,5> Nums = Matrix<4,5,double>::Nums(6.7);



M1: Matrix

Operator Operande Syntax
+ M2:Matrix Matrix<r,c,type> M3=M1+M2;
+ a:Scalar Matrix<r,c,type> M3=M1+a;
- M2:Matrix Matrix<r,c,type> M3=M1-M2;
- a:Scalar Matrix<r,c,type> M3=M1-a;
* M2:Matrix Matrix<r,c,type> M3=M1*M2;
* a:Scalar Matrix<r,c,type> M3=M1*a;
/ a:Scalar Matrix<r,c,type> M3=M1/a;
= a:Matrix Matrix<r,c,type> M3=M1;
% a:Integer Matrix<r,c,type> M3=M1ùa;
+= M2:Matrix M1+=M2;
+= a:Scalar M1+=a;
-= M2:Matrix M1-=M2;
-= a:Scalar M1-=a;
*= M2:Matrix M1*=M2;
*= a:Scalar M1+=a;
/= a:Scalar M1/=a;
%= a:Integer M1%=a;


   int arr1[2][3] = {{1, 2, 3},{4, 5, 6}};
   int arr2[2][3] = {{2, 3, 4},{5, 6, 7}};
   Matrix<2,3,int> M1(arr1);
   Matrix<2,3,int> M2(arr2);
   Matrix<2,3,int> M3=M1+M2;
   Matrix<2,3,int> M4=M1-M2;

Void Methodes

Methode Description Example Condition
.clone() -
.print() -
.at(i,j) Acces and set data -
.det() The determinant of the given matrix View should be a square matrix
.transpose() Transposes the given matrix View -
.comatrice() View -
.reshape(r,c) Reshapes the given matrix View The size of the new Matrix should be equal to the old one
.slice(r0,c0,r1,c1) Extracts a sub-matrix from the original matrix, View -
.deleteRow(i) Remove a specific row from the original matrix. View -
.deleteCol(j) Remove a specific column from the original matrix. View -
.hstack(M) Stacks the original matrix horizontally with the matrix M View The number of cols in both matrices should be the same,
.vstack(M) Stacks the original matrix vertically with the matrix M View The number of rows in both matrices should be the same,
.foreach(lambda_func) Higher-order function that takes a function as an argument and applies it to each element of the Matrix. View -
.clamp(min,max) clamp all matrix elements between min and max View -
.lerp(min,max) View -
.norm(min,max) Normalize the values in a matrix to a range between 0 and 1 View -
.map(a1,b1,a2,b2) Map the values of a matrix from one range to another. View -
.count(n) -


Methode description
isId() determines whether a given matrix is identity matrix or not
isSquare() determines whether a given matrix is square or not
isSym() determines whether a given matrix is symmetric or not
isAntiSym() determines whether a given matrix is antisymmetric or not
isInv() determines whether a given matrix is inversible or not
isZeros() determines whether a given matrix is filled by zeros or not
isOnes() determines whether a given matrix is filled by ones or not


This projet is licensed under the terms of MIT License



Arduino library for creating and manipulating matrices of arbitrary size and data type. The library provides a Matrix class that can be used to create matrices, perform basic matrix operations








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