Swagger2 - Swagger RESTful API Documentation
Swagger2 is a module for generating, parsing and transforming swagger API documentation. It has support for reading swagger specification in JSON notation and it can also read YAML files, if a "YAML parser" is installed.
This distribution comes with a Mojolicious plugin, Mojolicious::Plugin::Swagger2, which can set up routes and perform input and output validation.
YAML parser
A YAML parser is required if you want to read/write spec written in the YAML format. Supported modules are YAML::XS, YAML::Syck, YAML and YAML::Tiny.
use Swagger2;
my $swagger = Swagger2->new("file:///path/to/api-spec.yaml");
# Access the raw specification values
print $swagger->tree->get("/swagger");
# Returns the specification as a POD document
print $swagger->pod->to_string;
$mojo_url = $self->base_url;
Mojo::URL object that holds the location to the API endpoint. Note: This might also just be a dummy URL to http://example.com/.
$pointer = $self->specification;
$self = $self->specification(Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({}));
Holds a Mojo::JSON::Pointer object containing the Swagger 2.0 schema.
$pointer = $self->tree;
$self = $self->tree(Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({}));
Holds a Mojo::JSON::Pointer object containing your API specification.
$ua = $self->ua;
$self = $self->ua(Mojo::UserAgent->new);
A Mojo::UserAgent used to fetch remote documentation.
$mojo_url = $self->url;
Mojo::URL object that holds the location to the documentation file. This can be both a location on disk or an URL to a server. A remote resource will be fetched using Mojo::UserAgent.
$swagger = $self->expand;
This method returns a new Swagger2
object, where all the references are resolved.
$self = $self->load;
$self = $self->load($url);
Used to load the content from $url
or "url". This method will try to guess the content type (JSON or YAML) by looking at the filename, URL path or "Content-Type" header reported by a web server.
$self = Swagger2->new($url);
$self = Swagger2->new(%attributes);
$self = Swagger2->new(\%attributes);
Object constructor.
$self = $self->parse($text);
Used to parse $text
instead of loading data from "url".
The type of input text can be either JSON or YAML. It will default to YAML, but parse the text as JSON if it starts with "{".
$pod_object = $self->pod;
Returns a Swagger2::POD object.
$json = $self->to_string;
$json = $self->to_string("json");
$yaml = $self->to_string("yaml");
This method can transform this object into Swagger spec.
@errors = $self->validate;
Will validate this object against the "specification", and return a list with all the errors found. See also "validate" in Swagger2::SchemaValidator.
Copyright (C) 2014, Jan Henning Thorsen
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.
Jan Henning Thorsen - jhthorsen@cpan.org