Java Zulu 11
Maven 3
mvn clean javafx:jlink
First, input key set or generate one for further execution
Figure 1: Options to input arbitary key set or let the program to generate one
Figure 2: Key set output of program key generation
Second, for message encryption, input message in UTF-8
string. Program will output cipher in base64
format which encodes the cipher pair (C, r)
. Users ,therefore, can subsequently press on Encrypt
button to view (C, r)
pair in decimal format.
Figure 3: An arbitary message in UTF-8 string
Figure 4: Cipher pair (C, r) in base64 format
Figure 5: Cipher pair (C, r) in decimal format
Third, for message decryption, input either cipher (C, r)
pair in decimal format or in base64
format. Press Decrypt
button to start decrypt the cipher with the private key p
and x
on the Key Generation
Figure 5: Decrypt cipher pair (C, r) in base64 format
Figure 6: Decrypt cipher pair (C, r) in decimal format
Figure 7: Successfully decrypt cipher pair with provided private key p and x