Social Network for developers built with the MERN stack, Socketio, JSON Web Token, GitHub API, Redux, and MongoDB.
Sample User Logins
password: password
password: password
- Ability to create a profile with a custom photo, and list your experience and education as a developer
- Link to your GitHub to show off your latest repositories
- Create new posts
- Delete a post if it belongs to you
- Like & Comment on a post
- Unlike a post if you have already liked it
- find other developers in the DevFeed community with a search form to find users by name
- Chat feature to communicate with other users
- Search filter to find users by name
- Fully responsive UI
"mongoURI": "<your_mongoDB_Atlas_uri_with_credentials>",
"jwtSecret": "secret",
"githubToken": "<yoursecrectaccesstoken>"
npm install
cd client
npm install
npm run dev