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SimpleOS: A Basic x86-64 Operating System Kernel

SimpleOS is an operating system kernel designed for x86-64 architecture.

It serves as a foundation for exploring kernel architecture and OS development.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Kernel Architecture
  3. Design Considerations
  4. Creating and Running Your OS Image
  5. Advanced Testing Options
  6. License


  • x86-64 Architecture Support: Designed for 64-bit x86 systems with a custom linker script for memory layout.
  • Basic Kernel Structure: Monolithic design with a defined entry point (kernel_main in kernel.c).
  • Interrupt Handling: Custom ISR setup with the ability to register custom handlers.
  • Memory Management: Implements paging and a simple heap allocator.
  • Process Management: Supports basic multitasking with a round-robin scheduler.
  • Modular Code Structure: Separated header and implementation files for clear organization.

Interrupt Handling Example

void init_keyboard() {
    // Example of registering an interrupt handler
    idt_set_gate(33, (uintptr_t)keyboard_handler, 0x08, 0x8E);

Memory Management Example

#define PAGE_SIZE 4096

// Page tables
uintptr_t* pml4 = (uintptr_t*)0x1000000;
uintptr_t* pdpt = (uintptr_t*)0x1001000;
uintptr_t* pd = (uintptr_t*)0x1002000;
uintptr_t* pt = (uintptr_t*)0x1003000;

Process Management Example

void schedule(void) {
    if (current_process != -1) {
        asm volatile("mov %%rsp, %0" : "=r" (processes[current_process].rsp));
    do {
        current_process = (current_process + 1) % MAX_PROCESSES;
    } while (!processes[current_process].active);
    asm volatile(
        "mov %0, %%cr3\n"
        "mov %1, %%rsp"
        : : "r" (processes[current_process].cr3), "r" (processes[current_process].rsp)

Kernel Architecture

1. Memory Management


  • 4-level paging structure (PML4, PDPT, PD, PT)
  • Page size: 4096 bytes
  • Page tables initialized at specific addresses:
    • PML4: 0x1000000
    • PDPT: 0x1001000
    • PD: 0x1002000
    • PT: 0x1003000

Heap Management

  • Heap start: 0x2000000
  • Heap size: 0x1000000 (16 MB)
  • Simple bump allocator implemented:
void* kmalloc(size_t size) {
    if (heap_current + size > heap_end) {
        return NULL;  // Out of memory
    void* result = (void*)heap_current;
    heap_current += size;
    return result;

2. Process Management

  • Supports up to 10 concurrent processes
  • Process structure:
typedef struct { 
    uintptr_t rsp;
    uintptr_t cr3;
    bool active;
} Process;
  • Includes functions for:
    • Scheduler initialization
    • Process creation (create_process)
    • Simple round-robin scheduling (schedule)

3. Global Descriptor Table (GDT)

  • 5 GDT entries:

    1. Null segment
    2. Code segment
    3. Data segment
    4. User mode code segment
    5. User mode data segment
  • GDT structure:

struct gdt_entry {
    uint16_t limit_low;
    uint16_t base_low;
    uint8_t base_middle;
    uint8_t access;
    uint8_t granularity;
    uint8_t base_high;
} __attribute__((packed));
  • Initialization function: init_gdt()

4. Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)

  • 256 IDT entries
  • IDT entry structure:
struct idt_entry {
    uint16_t offset_low;
    uint16_t selector;
    uint8_t ist;
    uint8_t type_attr;
    uint16_t offset_middle;
    uint32_t offset_high;
    uint32_t zero;
} __attribute__((packed));
  • Initialization function: init_idt()
  • Currently sets up handlers for:
    • Division by zero (ISR 0)
    • Debug exception (ISR 1)

5. Paging Initialization

  • Function: init_paging()
  • Sets up 4-level paging structure
  • Maps first 2MB of physical memory to virtual memory
  • Enables paging by loading PML4 address into CR3 register
void init_paging(void) {
    for (int i = 0; i < ENTRIES_PER_TABLE; i++) {
        pt[i] = (i * PAGE_SIZE) | 3; // Present + Writable
    pd[0] = (uintptr_t)pt | 3;
    pdpt[0] = (uintptr_t)pd | 3;
    pml4[0] = (uintptr_t)pdpt | 3;


6. Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) Handler

  • Basic ISR handler that prints a message when an interrupt is received
void isr_handler(void) {
    terminal_writestring("Interrupt received!\n");

7. Kernel Main Function

void kernel_main(void) {
    terminal_writestring("Welcome to SimpleOS, there isn't much to do.\n");
    asm volatile("sti");
    while(1) {
        asm volatile("hlt");
  • Initializes core kernel components
  • Creates two example processes
  • Enables interrupts
  • Enters an infinite loop, scheduling processes and halting the CPU when idle

Design Considerations

  • Quick and easy testing: Rebuild your kernel, copy to the image, and rerun QEMU.
  • Safe: No modifications to critical system files on your development machine.
  • Isolated: Your OS runs in a separate environment from your host system.
  • Flexible: QEMU provides many options for debugging and system configuration.
  • Semi-ephemeral: The image file persists, but changes can be easily reverted.

Creating and Running Your OS Image

  1. Create a disk image:

    dd if=/dev/zero of=myos.img bs=1M count=64
  2. Set up your bootloader and kernel on this image.

  3. Use QEMU to run your OS:

    qemu-system-x86_64 -drive format=raw,file=myos.img

Advanced Testing Options

  1. Use snapshot mode to discard changes after each run:

    qemu-system-x86_64 -drive format=raw,file=myos.img -snapshot
  2. Enable GDB support for debugging:

    qemu-system-x86_64 -s -S -drive format=raw,file=myos.img

    Connect with GDB in another terminal:

    (gdb) target remote localhost:1234
  3. Redirect QEMU's serial output for clear console output:

    qemu-system-x86_64 -drive format=raw,file=myos.img -serial stdio


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


A minimalist x86_64 operating system







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